
Showing posts from January, 2008

Brrrrrr it's cold in here (there must be some Clovers in the atmosphere)

I really wish that the furnace in our giant apartment wasn't 10 years old so our heating bill wouldn't be 300 dollars a month. And I really wish (only in this cold, dead winter) we didn't have so many goddamn windows, wood floors, and high ceilings. I repeat, brrr! I'm wearing a blanket around my shoulders as I type this, which is perfectly normal for me. When I got home from work tonight, I wore my winter hat and scarf around the house for 2 hours before I felt safe to take them off. Mike doesn't care about the heat like I do, but I get cold REALLY easily. Thin body + bad circulation = freezing all the time. And that's my rant about that. To give an update on my cousin's fiance (Scott), he's been moved to three different hospitals, each promising a neurology "expert". They all say the same thing, he'll never walk again, he may not live. However, he is mostly off the respirator and has had half hour conversations with Lauren. Appar

Not the Blog You Wanted

After I wrote that entry last night my mom called and told me that my cousin's fiance was in a really bad car accident. Apparently he fell asleep driving, went into a ravine, hit a tree, and was lying in his car for 5 hrs before anyone found him. He was airlifted to some hospital near where he was (downstate) and he is now paralyzed from the neck down and on a respirator. The doctors don't give him much hope. My cousin is like a sister to me, and I was supposed to be maid of honor at their wedding this year. I haven't been able to talk to her directly, but I heard that she's just sitting at the hospital crying, and nothing else. I don't think she's eaten at all since it happened. I'm really just hoping he makes it out okay. The doctors say that even if he lives, he'll never walk again, but doctors have said that before and people have proven them wrong. Anyway, please keep him in mind, and in your prayers if you're religious. Thanks.

Owed: One Blog

Wow I really owe you guys a blog, huh? Well I have about an hour to shower and eat something before watching THE ORIGINAL (non-Jessica Alba version, thank god because she can't act to save her life...acchem sorry) Japanese version of The Eye . Edit: The Eye was Chinese, not new words for me I guess. Not a bad film, way to go Hong Kong! Speaking of Japan, I watched Kurosawa's Ran for the first time, and learned that my friend Olivia's last name means lord! (I try to learn one word of Japanese each time I watch something...I tried with Hong Kong films but I never have any idea if they're speaking Cantonese or Mandarin so I gave up) I also saw the movie at the movie theater, by myself. For the first time. Ever. Either Erica's growing up and becoming less self-conscious, or the Dryden is so indie and accepting that it doesn't matter. That's all you get for now folks. There will be many a picture of California to follow....some other time


Since I am leaving for California (Los Angeles) for a week at 6am tomorrow morning, I'm going to post the pictures from this holiday season today. Then anyone who misses me can just look at them and pretend I'm still here! (I'm so egotistical in my head) Anywhoo here they are: #1: Sue's birthday wine tour extravaganza....see if you can tell how increasingly drunk I became (it's not hard to tell). These pictures are featuring Sue, Joe, Justin, Steph, and Stacey. #2: Christmas Eve/Christmas. Featuring mine and Mike's first Christmas Tree, my family dancing to foreign music, Mike's cute little brothers with my homemade scarves on, and my mom's fat ass Christmas Tree. #3: Meeting up with the college roommates (and Maura's husband). We played a rousing game of cranium, as you'll see by the pictures. Featuring Maura, Chris, Sara, Angela, Mike, and me with my hood of shame. #4: New Years trip to Joe/Sue's house. Featuring Angie(!!!), Pete

Happy Geeky New Year!

Man have I been busy lately. I got to see all my college friends the Friday after Christmas, I spent the few days around New Years Day with Angie/Sue/Joe, on New Years Day Mike and I had a Call of Duty party with Justin and Andrew (squared), I worked overnight last night, and tonight I hung out with my friend Chris, a great friend whom I haven't seen in probably 2 years. *Phew* Oh plus I get to spend next week in sunny California. I have many cute pictures to share, and that WILL happen...but first I have to explain my geekiness to my general reader population. I used to say "dork", but apparently a dork is someone who lacks social skills (aka Napoleon Dynamite) and a geek is someone who is overly obsessed with certain interests, i.e. computer geek, theatre geek, etc. I never really thought of myself in the sci-fi/fantasy geek category. Definitely a movie trivia/history geek, but not a geek in the traditional sense. However, my interests naturally gravitated that way