
Showing posts from October, 2007

Happiness Writes White

*Disclaimer: this post contains graphic images of my frankenstein-ish foot. Not for the squeamish* I think everyone tends to write more when something bad/wrong/out of the ordinary happens, or when they're sad or introspective. This past week has been pretty ordinary, save for all of the sleep knowledge my boss put into my head, so I didn't really know what to write. Well, until friday of this week that is. I went back to my doctor to have my cast taken off. Ever since last week my foot had been hurting horribly. Thursday night it hurt so badly that I could barely sleep due to the pain. What I didn't realize was that the two pins that were holding my bones together had, over time, gotten irritated where they had come in contact with my skin/the cast. Luckily those pins came out completely last friday. Unluckily, they were the size of industrial staples and my doctor pulled them both out with no local anesthetic of any kind. They were already so irritated that I c

I'm In Love With Italian Food

The Office , to reiterate countless other posts, is the greatest show on tv. I'm not budging on this, even in the face of Heroes. Maybe if Buffy was still on I would think differently.... Anyway....I just want to say that I believe Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski to be secretly dating in real life. She just left her husband, and John is extremely mum on the dating front. They also have the most chemistry I've ever seen on tv. I don't really know why I'm so obsessed with the two of them, but I think it's because they are not only super cute together, but they are really funny, smart, snarky, and just all around cool. Watch Jenna's eyes and John's rubbing of her shoulders in this video and tell me that you don't think anything is going on between them. In other news, I've finished my jigsaw puzzle and have played a bit more on Kingdom Hearts 2. It's pretty fun, but I wish I would start playing as Sora instead of some random Roxas guy. The

Still Here

I'm still here...barely. The foot is fine, besides me standing on it the other day (my body forgot that I wasn't supposed to be using it...whoops). It's this damn cold that I got a couple days ago that I'm not liking. Plus it's that time of the month. That's three strikes. Yesterday and today I was alternately bitchy, tired, whiny, and sad/crying. BUT! Everything to do with my foot is great. I'm now a muscle woman, so crutches are easier and easier, and I've mastered the one footed showering system. I think I can tough this out for a few more weeks. I don't really feel like writing much else, because of my crappy mood, but I do want to say that I got to see Gym Class Heroes at a benefit concert they did in Geneva. Travis has always seemed very nostalgic about his hometown in his songs (half of them mention some sort of thing from Geneva) so I wasn't surprised about the concert in town so soon after the VMAs. I went with Sue, Steph, Stace

I Hate Crutches

They are the WORST part of this whole not having a foot for awhile thing. First of all, I was not in shape before the surgery. I would recommend anyone who is not going to be able to walk for awhile to work out your biceps/triceps/abs/thighs beforehand. Every time I walk, not only do my armpits hurt from the tops of the crutches, but even my leg that I'm not using starts hurting from me having to hold it off the ground. This is, of course, besides the arms and other leg muscle strain. Second of all, I dare any of you to take a shower while standing on one foot THE WHOLE TIME. Don't tell me to take a bath either; I can't deal with all of that dirtiness, and how would I wash my hair? Showers are currently the bane of my existence. Seriously, I wish that people never had to clean themselves. I still do it, but I reeaaally don't look forward to it. A few positive notes: I'm driving again, Mike's car. It's weird, but I can't drive mine so it'll