Knives in my Eyes

I'm not angry or anything, I just really like that phrase (thank you, Brick).

Ho hum, what to say, what to say. I guess I'll quickly go through my holiday season:

First of all, Sue's birthday was a blast, as always. I think last year was more fun than this year though, only because I took a ton of pictures last year and my cousin wasn't acting all creepy with me last year. BUT I did have to see a crazy girl covered in throw up and my good friend passed out in a shower last year and this year I didn't, plus it was a black and white party, and I would wear black and white all the time if I could. Joe has a cute pic up on myspace that I may steal because I have few good ones of that night:
Case in Point (sorry guys)

It seems like Joe and I have the exact same eyes in this pic

Woah boobs!

Christmas was okay as well. I celebrated with Mike on Christmas Eve morning, when he gave me a beautiful black 30 gig video ipod. He then gave me all his songs, which, with my songs, equals about 5000 songs. That's a lot of music. I love it, and I can't wait to bring it to work to not be bored out of my mind while scoring records.

Along with his presents, I made some Christmas cookies for him to bring to his family in Oneonta. I went a little crazy with the decorating, and ended up with 45 cookies, none of which were decorated the same way:

They weren't as funny as last year's, but I thought this snowman was a cutie pie:

I went home for a few days to see my family and Sue and Joe and whatnot. It was all fine, except for my dad tearing up when saying goodbye to me, which he NEVER does. That made me feel crappy, like it's our last Christmas all together, which it IS, but I don't want to think about it until I have to.

For New Years I decided to make no plans, partly because I was sick and didn't want to deal with it, and partly because I just didn't want to deal with it in general. So I ended up going to Mike's Improv Troupe's show by myself (he was working). It was a fun show and I got in for free so I was the helper of the night, folding programs and whatnot. After the show most of the members of his troupe wanted to talk to me, which was really cool because I didn't think they'd really care that I came, but it turns out they did!

After the show, it was about 11:30 and Mike wasn't getting out of work til late, so I went back to his house planning to just hang out and watch the ball drop alone. Mike's roommate Andrew was also planning to hang out alone and we were both pleasantly surprised when we found each other. So we both got drinks and watched the ball drop. Mike called at midnight so even though I couldn't kiss him, I did get to say happy new year to him. I did kiss Andrew, which doesn't really matter since he's gay. So while waiting for Mike to get home we watched the Logo channel (my new favorite tv channel) and talked and drank.

Mike got home at about 1am and we went and found some members of his troupe and hung out with them (well mostly with Beth, who was hilarious) til about 4am. It was kinda fun not to plan things and to just see what happened.

I went back to work this week (I had last week off) and nothing exciting has happened (except for my supervisor giving me a 100 dollar gift certificate to a spa, woohoo!!) so this is where I'll end things.


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