The Greatest Quiz Ever!

So I wanted to paste this fancy shmancy version of my quiz into my post, where whoever read this could just take the quiz right on this site, but apparently blogger has a problem with >script< which I think means javascript but I'm not quite sure about that. (Andrew? Any help?)

Anyway it was freezing up every time I tried to do it, so I thought, eh fuck it I'll just direct them to the site itself. And if you do actually take the quiz, don't be surprised if you do poorly. It's pretty hard.


Joseph said…
Only b/c i'm pissed about my stupid score of 53% which paralled me to that man-whore Kevin Costner will I say this: It's Robert De Niro, not Robert Dinero. Unless his last name means money...which it just may actually....
Susan Osborne said…
I got a 45% which surprisingly I am pleased with. I was also compared to the brilliantly talented Kevin Costner. I don't care what anyone says, Waterworld is by far the most magnificent film ever produced.
Susan Osborne said…
I got a 45% which surprisingly I am pleased with. I was also compared to the brilliantly talented Kevin Costner. I don't care what anyone says, Waterworld is by far the most magnificent film ever produced.

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