Yes, I am updating

So it's been a little while. Not overly long, but long enough so that I don't feel like updating too many events that have happened in the past week and a half.

I'll just do some bitching about my car and maybe talk about various other things that I happen to think of.

But I definitely need to bitch about my car. See...... I have come to the belief that my car has been cursed, much like James Dean's "spider" was supposedly cursed. Okay maybe I'm being overdramatic but I'm really annoyed with it right now.


June 2003: I buy the car
June 2003: A tire goes flat, my muffler system develops a crack
Winter 2003/2004: My car starts stuttering on occasion and I choose to ignore it, but I do get my muffler fixed
March 2004: Someone breaks into my car, shattering my window and stealing my new cd player, taking my new cd with it
December 2004: Realize my shocks are shit, get them replaced
December 2004: Car stalls out and won't start again, in Geneva so call father and have him come deal with it
January 2004: Car threatens to stall out on me again, have Angel's brother replace random parts in the hopes of placating the damn thing
February 2004: Someone hits the car...while it is in a parking spot. Security and police do nothing, got an estimate: 2000 dollars. Fuck that, I'll drive the damn ugly thing as is, it's not like it's gonna be around much longer
February 2004: Just started idling strangely and shaking a little bit. Today I bought AAA. It's gonna be worth it.

So other than that, life is going pretty well. I went to a party at my boss' house and got free Indian food (and dragged Andrew tee hee) I've been getting to see Sue and Joe occasionally, though they didn't come up tonight, and I also got to see Sjene last week!!

Valentine's Day was fun. (You really didn't think I was gonna leave it out, did you?) Andrew and I went to the Olive Garden and because there was an hour wait we decided to get drunk on a bottle of White Zin. Mmm good stuff. We started rating other couples in the room from 1-10 and he drew on my hand. It was the best hour wait I've ever had.

We finally ate, sobered up (kinda), and went to my place to exchange gifts and watch porn....I mean Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I, unlike certain friends who decided to break up with their girlfriend (oooh harsh), had a great time last night.

-Random News in Erica's Life-

I paid off a credit card, wooo!!! Of course I also signed up for a credit card from Victoria' s Secret, but I think it'll work out fine. I'm a psychotic person about not charging too much and I don't even have 500 dollars worth of debt (not counting student loans).

We have new interns at work now. Well DC isn't new, he's been around for awhile. But we also have Pat (Geneseo), Renae (also Geneseo), and Kelly (Brockport). It's fun to have new people to talk to and also fun to get to boss people around (muhahaha). I don't actually do that too much, I mostly just teach them how to do stuff, and it's more fun than I thought it would be.

Oh and if you see a girl pointing to a computer screen on random rochester news channels, yes that is me. For the news spot I shot a little while ago they made me drag my finger along a computer monitor for no fucking reason at all and now that's all they show on the fucking news stations. My grandpa called my mom tonight saying "I saw Erica's finger on tv!" Greeeaaat.

I figured out tonight that my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is 1415. That means that is the amount of calories I burn just by sitting and doing nothing. So to stay at the weight I'm at now I would eat about 1415 calories, to lose weight I'd eat less, and to gain weight I'd eat more. However if I excersize once a week my rate goes up to 1900. That is a good reason to start excersizing, especially since I just bought groceries for the first time in a month and a half. If anyone wants to find out what their BMR is, I forgot the exact link but as Andrew would say "JUST FUCKING GOOGLE IT."

I'm done now


rorytmeadows said…
Vous avez besoin d'ouvrir en haut plus. Parler du coeur, pas de l'esprit. Parler dans les métaphores. Regarder dans vous.
Anonymous said…
? ? ?? ? ?.
Erica said…
I think he meant that I should write more about my feelings and less about daily time try Spanish

And to people like me who aren't skilled in the initials department, FOB means Fresh off the Boat

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