
Showing posts from January, 2005

And the ineviteable has happened....

...I went a little PMS overboard tonight, what a shock. I am now in a state of anger/sadness for no reason. I'm also tired, but that's because I slept for 6 hours and then worked for 10 hours on my boss' 2 million dollar grant that is paying part of my salary. Speaking of salary, apparently I made about 16,000 last year according to my W2s. Not too bad for a college student for almost half the year. Wow I'm really getting away from the topic at hand (hmm loss of concentration anyone?) and the topic at hand is that I really hate being like this. It's so annoying that I randomly started crying at work tonight while Barb and Arick pretend like they're not thinking "what the hell is wrong with her" and I tried to explain why I was crying and there was no explanation. Well I was talking to Andrew and trying to get him to come to my apt tonight. His car is in the garage being worked on so I would have had to pick him up, which apparently he has gi
I am PMS-ing right now. Pretty bad, worse than usual. It usually happens that one out of every three months I have worse PMS symptoms than normal. Now I've looked up the DSM-IV criteria for PMDD (Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder) and it is as follows: Five of the following symptoms must be present and at least one of them must be 1, 2, 3 or 4: 1. Depressed mood or dysphoria (a feeling of low mood, irritability,anxiety and/or despair) 2. Anxiety or tension 3. Affective lability (quick change of emotion or unstable mood) 4. Irritability 5. Decreased interest in usual activities 6. Concentration difficulties 7. Marked lack of energy 8. Marked change in appetite, overeating or food cravings 9. Hyperinsomnia or insomnia 10.Feeling overwhelmed Other physical symptoms, i.e. breast tenderness, bloating To be considered as PMDD, symptoms must occur during the week before menstruation and remit a few days after onset of menses. Symptoms must interfere with work, school,

Where is the sun, and how can I get it back?

Okay I know I've grown up in upstate New York where I should be aware that we get really shitty winters, and I should be able to deal with that by now. However, in high school I had to drive to and from school (and only for one year) in the winter, which was about 10 minutes. In college I had to drive twice a week to Rochester from Geneseo senior year, and that is the ONLY time I used my car in the winter. (well except driving to Pat's which was down the street) I don't know if it's colder and snowier than normal this year, or if I'm just being a bigger baby because I have to use my car more often, but I really really do not like winter. Maybe I have SAD. I should start light therapy and see if that helps any. No, I don't really think it goes that far, I just think I like being able to wear shorts and tank tops, I love to swim, to eat ice cream, to take a walk around the block. I would rather have it be 100 degrees right now than 0. I'm mostly j

A few updates

So last tuesday we went to RJ's again. This time we added another member to our party, Sue and Joe's "new best friend" Johnny. They came to my apt to pick up Andrew and I, and after actually noticing that they were here (sorry guys) we were off to the bar. At the bar we were having fun, I talked to Sjene's friends a little, and then I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Sjene!! Woo! She only stayed for a little while, but I was glad that she came for a little while. I didn't drive AND I didn't eat much before that sooooo I drank 2 beers and a double shot. Well some lesbian bought me the double shot and at the time I was trying to buy a drink for Andrew, but the bartender wouldn't come over to me so I was just kinda standing there with my money. Well the shot was fucking huge, and I thought I was gonna throw up so I ran over to Andrew and was like "I didn't get your drink I might throw up I'm going to the bathroom" and ran ov

100 Queries

Yes Joe I copied this from your blog. It's just because your blog is so much better than mine. 1. Full name: Erica Suzanne Howard 2. Most Common Nicknames: Rica, E, Eureeka, Puerta Rica, Costa Rica....etc 3. Eyes: Green 4. Height: 5'8 5. Hair: Dark Brown 6. Siblings: Keith and Paul 7. Do u like to sing in the shower? I love to but usually I forget 8. Do u like to sing on the toilet? umm no 9. Birthday: April 4th 10. Sign: Aries: fiery, passionate, and energetic, oh yeah 11. Address: off Park Ave in Rochester 12. Sex: Female 13. Righty or lefty: Righty 14. What do you want in a relationship most: honesty, trust, romance, all the normal stuff 15. Have you ever cheated? Only once and I told him about it right after 16. Marital status: not married 17. Do u own a car? barely, the stupid repairs on it are killing me 18. What kind of car do you have/want? I have a volkeswagon Jetta but I want a Honda Civic or if we're gettin in the pricey range, a BMW FAVORITE

Unnecessary writings

So I have nothing to write about. I just want to update because I'm bored, so I guess I'll just think of random things to say. I really want a pet snake. That's probably not normal, especially for a girl. I think snakes are cute though (no sexual comments please). Maybe even a small lizard would do. I think Angela would definitely kill me if I brought a snake home. I'm glad I don't have many problems obtaining significant others because if I was gonna be alone for the rest of my life, I'd be one of those cat ladies. But not cats, like every animal ever. I'd have cats, dogs, ferrets, reptiles, fish, etc. No birds though, I don't like birds for some reason. On to the next topic, apparently Life Aquatic IS deeper than I made it out to be. I scrolled through IMDB (the best movie website on earth) and read threads about it. I guess Bill Murray grows in maturity through the movie shown by various random things, and he becomes less numb an

The Californian's return, a lotta gayness, and movies

Tuesday, January 4th. Approximately 8:40 PM. He's baaaaaaaaaack. I wait at the B gate wearing a black sweater and a little white pleated skirt, with tall, tall, black boots. Hey, you gotta look good for this kind of thing. So I see him sauntering (yes I just said sauntering, it is almost 4 am) up the walkway and I just think "Woah this is weird" and then I notice I can't stop smiling, like at all. So I go up and greet him, with hug and kiss, and he's like "this is weird" so I know we're both thinking the same thing. It was like he was away for so long that it was just a little strange seeing each other again, Cindy describes the feeling as "new all over again." I guess that's how it was, new all over again. Anyway it was still great, even after we got to my car I couldn't stop smiling, and I know he was happy to see me too.....or at least my outfit. So we go to his house and hang out a little, then Sue calls and says we should me

And a new year begins

I've been writing in this thing since 2002 and in "Crazy/Beautiful" with Joe even before that, it's a long time for me to keep up a hobby. It's really good though, because with the way I am, I like to have a record of my entire life (it's genetic, pictures all over my house) and I've been going back and reading old entries and it's really interesting to me. Probably a little narcissistic but whatever. Sooooo the big New Years Eve drunkfest blog for the year. I'm sure for the past two years I've written about going to Auburn and enjoying the New Year with Pat, this year my new boyfriend was 3000 miles away, but I had an amazing time regardless. So I went with Angela and her friend Lindsey to the Adam's Mark Hotel in Buffalo. We met Angel, Erin, Catharine, Josh, Angel's brother Jeff, and his friend Mike at the hotel, and we met up with Barb, her husband, and her brother-in-law later. We all went to this restaurant called Century Gri