
Showing posts from August, 2004
I miss Joe :(

...and more ponderings

Well I was going to do a run-down of the weekend, because it was highly interesting (with much singing and dancing) but I decided instead to have a very intriguing conversation with someone online and now I'm too tired to post what I was going to but it's all good, I'll just go off on random tangents. Anyway after that little intro: I was thinking earlier today that I kinda bitch sometimes that I don't meet "relationship" type guys often enough, but sometimes that can be a good thing. I mean not really a good thing but okay....I broke up with Pat because I needed to see what else was out there, no offense against him b/c he's awesome, but it was something I needed to do. This summer I've met so many amazing people, and I wouldn't have gotten a chance to know them if I hadn't of ended things with Pat back in April. One person gave me great conversations, was an awesome movie watching partner, listened to everything I had to say, and wa

unexpected calls

Don't you just love when you get phone calls from people out of the blue? Especially really cool people that are far away? Yeah me too. I walked into the lab tonight and said hello and the first thing Angel said was "well you're happy tonight." I guess I'm just that transparent. So the moral of this story Erica and she will be happy. If she likes you. God I'm tired.

Garden State

I finally went to see a movie in the theatre tonight, for the first time since Spiderman 2 about a month ago. I'm glad that this was the one I picked to see. Garden State is basically just one of those character study films, but it's very entertaining. Some of it was a tiny bit contrived, but I'll chalk that up to Zach Braff's first time directing/writing/acting at the same time. Not only is this Scrubs star very talented, but he also writes in a blog, which I found courtesy of my good friend Doug. It's pretty hilarious, and all of you Hollywood stalkers (like myself) would find it interesting. Here's one excerpt: "Also, many of you have commented that I seem like a normal, down to Earth guy. This is true. But it got me thinking of ways that I could become more of a Hollywood dickhead: Starting tomorrow, I will only drink milk from Doves. If it turns out to be true (as some have said) that Doves do not indeed produce milk, then I will move onto Eag

more of the same

Today is the first day I've gotten any kind of sleep in quite a while. I slept 10 hours last night without waking up once. In the stories that shall see why. Thursday night....sitting quietly and peacefully with Adam watching Emiril Live (his thing) and playing on the computer. This was at about 12:30 at night. Adam gets a phone call, says about 10 minutes later that Ben and Jen are coming over (haha I just saw the funniness in their names, especially since Ben = Ben Affleck anyway). So I decide to stay up for awhile and hang out with them. Yeah that turned into staying up til about 5 playing Mario Party. It was fun, but I was supposed to work at 10 the next morning. Needless to say, I didn't get in to work until 12. Friday night...traveled with Angela home to Geneva for the portion of the Whale Watch that involves drinking in the streets. We decided that since we were a little late we were just gonna drink 40s in cars in the DHS parking


This should have been posted a long time ago, but I feel bitchy this week (accchempms) so I'm gonna just say it now. I HATE Jessica Simpson's version of the Robbie Williams song "Angels". Not only did she butcher it completely and she sounds like an idiot, but it's actually somewhat popular. Not that Robbie Williams is the best singer in the world or anything, but please people, if you like that song, listen to his version, and only his.
Hmm I see a trend with who in Hollywood I am attracted to: (besides Hugh Jackman, who is just, in general, the perfect man) Colin Farrell James Spader Sean Penn Olivier Martinez Michael Madsen Russell Crowe The Rock Edward Norton Justin Theroux In case you can't guess....they've all played some real badasses and/or are badasses in real life. I guess I'm just one of those know, the girls who go for the bad guy. Not all the time, but I've noticed I am dramatically more attracted to someone in a movie when they become "bad". Say for instance....Sam Rockwell in Charlie's Angels (I know, bad film, whatever, but it's the perfect example) I could care less about him until the scene where he starts dancing and smoking a hot. Maybe I'm like the people in Crash.....maybe I just get off on violence. I don't think so though, I think I just like the power in people. Power is hot. So is a disregard for the

It's about time....

.....for another update from the weekend. Friday was East End fest, so I went to work then raced home to beat Dave Felice and Kevin McDonald, who decided to come up at like 6:30 to start drinking. I think Dave felt bad about not coming to my party (I yelled at him for awhile about it) so he came up for East End. We drank and watched some Jeopardy and Man vs. Beast (one of the stupidest shows ever, seriously who would win between a bear and a guy eating 50 hot dogs....c'mon) and finally Sara Perkins came, then Angela and Lindsay. We got down to the East End around 9 and I tried for like 10 minutes straight to find Erin (from work) and finally after a lot of misunderstood phone calls, we found each other. We were both pretty drunk by that time, and I think we just kinda randomly lost each other again. Kevin found his uncle, we found Maura, Chris (and Chris), Charles, and Brian, and Dave found other random friends of his, so we were bouncing around talking to a bunch of dif


Note to self: find one confident, outgoing, physically attractive guy who isn't full of shit. This should take awhile.

Mmmm James

Finally someone else has put into words why I am so oddly attracted to James Spader in all his films: "It's CONFIDENCE!! He has this silent, subtle yet deliberate way of doing everything and talking to people on-screen. He screams sex because his eyes take hold of you and turn you upside down. He always looks like he wants you.. don't you think? it's confidence and mannerisms, yes. He has the look of power." thanks random IMDB got it

Vassarfest: the ultimate party

Actually I want to tell a little bit about my trip to Geneva before I get into Vassarfest, so I'll start with thursday night: Went to work during the day, left early and arrived in Geneva at about 7:30 due to a huge traffic delay. Went out to eat with Joe, Sue, and Vikki (who were here for the weekend from the Vineyard) then we drank at Sue's. Got a little tipsy there, then went out downtown. Saw Bill working at Parkers, didn't say hi. Saw Mike DiCampli at Gallaghers, did say hi. I haven't seen Mike in about 6 years and we recognized each other. We were talking about life and Mike asked me what I was doing the next night, and I said going out downtown again. He goes "All you have to remember is 1308" (which I remembered only because I remember stupid number shit like birthdays) and I was really confused until he told me it was his phone number. I thought it was like his address or something. So after that flattering interlude, I started talking

Another fucked up out

I feel like this will be another entry like my Fight Club blathering from before. Maybe because I'm overtired and my thoughts are just spilling out randomly, and maybe just because I'm just in one of those moods, but this will be one of those kind of bloggings. First of all.....I had an awesome party last night, and will tell about it later when I can actually function properly. Secondly, I watched Secretary again tonight. Such a hot little number that film is, I love it. I made Adam watch it and he was just like "this is such a strange movie" which it IS but it makes me I the only one that appreciates things that are out of the ordinary? It's not like I'd do the S&M stuff that's in that film or anything, and I'm not really even into that, but I think it's kind of romantic that a sadist and a masochist can find love together....especially when one of them is the sexily voiced James Spader. I really think that anything di

what my title means

People have been wondering what "A leg grows in c minor" means.....I'll repeat the story even though it was probably told in my first posting. My awesomely awesome piano professor, Dr. Stanley and I were in a lesson one day, when I was showing her some pieces I had composed. One of these I so originally named "Allegro in C Minor". Dr. Stanley likes to make little jokes out of everything so she said it should be called "A Leg Grows in C Minor" and I thought it was funny. So there we go.....such a nerdy explanation. I love Dr. Stanley though. Okay time to go to Geneva....see you all at my house on saturday : )

A small update

So this past weekend.... Friday I worked til like 8 or so, then Andy was gonna come for a visit, but I realized I was supposed to hang out at Ben's so Andy couldn't come up and I went to Webster. His friends Jesse and Carly were there and we all took turns playing video games, then Carly left and I watched Jesse and Ben play a really funny baseball video game. Jesse then left and Ben and I played football....God knows why because I am horrible at football video games and usually have no idea what I'm doing. I managed to score a touchdown and a field goal, but he still kicked my ass like 35-10. Ben has also downloaded episodes of my new favorite show....we all know what it is....and we watched one, then I went home for the night. So the next day I went to Gorham to visit all my wonderful cousins on my dad's side. I really think I never have to fear being infertile, the way my family pops out the kids. To put it into perspective a little grandparents on my

The Rose

I wanted to write a longer entry, but since it's now 2 in the morning and I'm tired, it'll have to wait. However I want to tell a quick story before I forget: Angela and I went for a walk tonight because the weather was amazingly beautiful....and as we were walking back we hear Bette Midler's semi-sappy love song "The Rose" blasting from a porch. So we walk by and look at the porch, and it's just this one 40 year old guy sitting by himself with no shirt on, blasting Bette Midler. Life is funny sometimes.