
Showing posts from January, 2004
Apparently I just haven't written in a good reason for it really. Sometimes I just get sick of listing events and I feel as though it gets boring for other people too. However I will quickly outline this past weekend b/c I had a really good time. I was planning on going to Boston....and the people at my internship still think I went to Boston but I'm hoping they don't read this (Doug if you do still read this....sorry for lying) I just didn't feel like telling them I didn't really go...if that makes any sense. So anyway thursday night I went to see Angie at her school. When I got there Chris O'Donnell came over and we all went to dinner at The Distillery. It was nice, I'd reccommend it. Then we went back and drank a teeny bit and watched The Best of Will Ferrell which I am currently obsessed with. I foretold Angie, Kris, and Chris' future love lives with cards and it was really fun. The next day I went back to Geneva where Sue
One provision before I go into a psychological rant: the Gala was actually on a saturday, not a friday, I mixed up my days....not a big deal though. Okay so I was just analyzing myself (I analyze everyone all the time, including myself, it's a psyc major thing) and I've realized that I'm afraid to be a part of the real world. I've taken to living my life through movies, and it's really really hard to get out of sometimes. Usually when things are going okay for me in the real world I don't resort to my movie obsession thing, but this whole year has been one big stress-fest and right now I'm in movie mode. I've been avoiding the little work that's been assigned to me, it doesn't help that 2 out of 3 classes are movie classes, and very recently I've been a regular bitch to Pat (well that might be because of something else). This isn't really a recent thing though. Ever since I could remember I'd have dreams where I thought som
I have officially been back at school for a week now. Last week at this time it was about as cold out as it is now (feels like about 20 below 0) but I was wearing a sleeveless dress and open toed shoes. I'm glad I can be comfortable in a sweatshirt and pants today. So about that night, I hurried to get here from Geneva last week so I would have time to get ready for the Gala. I still only had about 45 minutes to get ready, so I didn't really do my hair or anything. I picked up Pat, said hi to the rest of his house, and we drove to Rochester attempting to find the Crowne Plaza. We kinda went a round about way and finally got there by accident. We were still early though. So we found the "Grand Ballroom" and went inside. It was a huge room with snowflake balloons all around and a big snowflake ice sculpture near the wall. I found my internship people immediately b/c Doug is like 6'4 and I saw his head sticking up. I introduced everyone to Pat and we
Okay so my last posting was a little odd, sorry about that. I've been doing pretty much nothing but sleeping, eating, playing Hearts, and reading Harry Potter (and watching odd movies with Joe) for the entire week and a half after Christmas, so I'm probably going insane. I did go out for New Years Eve, however. Like last year, I went to Auburn to hang out with Pat and his friends. Unlike last year, the party wasn't at J.T.'s house, it was at Daut's apartment. And it was really cute because we all had to dress up and go out to dinner at "Daut's" restaurant (the restaurant Daut's father owns below the apartment) before we started drinking. There were about 12 of us at this long table and it was all Pat's friends/friend's girlfriends, and I knew all of them. Tim and I were taking pictures, and the meal was amazing. Tim also gave me his leftovers, the best alfredo I've ever tried, and I stupidly forgot it at Pat's the next d