
Showing posts from December, 2003
Ah Christmas. I don't remember when the last time I wrote was, and I can't look back at the moment because it took me a half hour to get here. I finished the book I was reading while I was waiting for this slow, slow contraption. So, in case there is overlap or I forget something, I'm sorry. I'll start with Christmas Eve. We went, as always, to my grandparent's house. My cousin Adam wasn't there because he had the flu, and we don't want my grandfather contracting any strange viruses in his state. Other than that, the dinner went without a hitch. I had some shrimp, pasta with red sauce, pasta with linguini sauce, some more shrimp, and there was a huge plate of cookies for dessert. I got some soft pajamas from Lauren which was cool, and I gave her the book that I just finished, which Angie gave to me and I know she'll love. My grandpa also gave away a TON of money to my mom and my uncle (I accidentally peeked at their checks) but my mom wouldnt
Well I'm home for Winter vacation, I can tell by the crappy computer I'm using. It literally took me 20 minutes to get to the page where I can add new entries in my blog. I had to get my book and read it while I was waiting. This computer is horrible. Besides the computer, everything else seems to be going just fine at the moment. This is probably because I haven't checked my grades yet. After that, it might just go downhill. But no worries, Christmas is coming up, and I just last friday finished my shopping. As I've probably mentioned, I bought things on E-Bay this year. Four presents, to be exact. It was so fun, and now I can't wait until the people I got them for open them and see their uniqueness. Also on friday I got a cd player system installed into my car. It seems to be working perfectly, and I'm loving it, since I've never been able to drive and play cds before. Joe accompanied me to Circuit City and Eastview, and I think we both had
Well it must have been right after I ended my last post that I started feeling sick. Last weekend I just remember saturday through monday being total shit. Saturday the chills started, by monday I had a fever of 101.4, and I had to do a presentation in the afternoon that day. My professor realized that I was feeling HORRIBLE and she decided to bump up mine and Alex's presentation from last to 4th. It's a good thing because I really couldn't sit there for 3 hours and just wait without coughing and sneezing and feeling crappy. That was my last day of classes, and I didn't have a final til thursday, and by then I was feeling a little better. My cold is FINALLY just ending but now I have a random toothache. This past weekend Angie came to visit before she flew back to Michigan and we exchanged presents, she got me a few books that I can't wait to read, and from what she's told me, she enjoys the "Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" book tha
So my first weekend back at school... I don't have too much to write about, but I have free time to write so I thought I would now before the blog got to be overtaking everything with its long-ness. Anyway, we played 4, count them 4 broomball games in one week. Usually you play 4 the whole season, but we were awesome and kept winning all our playoff games. We finally got to the championship on thursday night and BEAT the Cheshire Cats. So now you are reading the blog of a member of The Clovers....the new co-ed recreational broomball champions for fall 2003. The other members include the excersize machine: Angela Silco, the hottest member: Patrick Scalisi, the wall: Pete Tuzzolino, the moving wall: Nick Covall, and the guys who never seem to get tired, Tim Hanley and AC...something. There was also our captain, Emily Wood, who was not at most of the games but when she was there, you could tell. I think our team was amazing and I'm glad we have t-shirts to show for it