
Showing posts from November, 2003
Wednesday night was the big "everyone go out" night for probably most towns, and in Geneva it was the same. I saw people I haven't seen in about 4 years, and some people that I see constantly. I had a drunkenly good time, even though I got split up from Joe and ended up talking to Sue and Cody Morrow about smoking cigarettes. I found Joe again at the end of the night and he gave me a ride home. Thanksgiving Day was different from past thanksgivings, but still a good day. Usually we go to my grandparent's house, but since my grandpa has been sick, we went to my aunt and uncle's house instead. My Uncle Billy deep-fried the turkey and it was the best turkey I've ever had. I bet it was really bad for me though, he went through 4 gallons of oil to cook it. We ate earlier in the day, like normal people do on Thanksgiving. Usually we wouldn't eat til around 5, but my grandpa gets tired more easily now and we decided to eat dinner around 2. After I got
Well obviously my paper is finished now. Hopefully it's of a good quality, but mostly I'm just happy that it's done. Of course I have another 2 papers due (my last 2) the week after Thanksgiving break so that sucks too. I'm getting to the point where I really just don't care about the quality of my work. Okay I have 2 weekends to catch up on, and they're both pretty interesting. On friday the 14th I was a good girl and didn't drink at all. This was because I was hooked to electrodes all night sleeping at my internship. Yes, I volunteered to be a subject at the sleep lab and they gave me the royal treatment. It was me and Arick who volunteered to sleep there, so we got there and filled out some random paperwork, then I got hooked up first. Imagine having to sleep with 5 electrodes on your scalp, 1 on each side of your head (near the eyes), 2 on the chin, 1 under the chin, 2 on the chest, and 2 on each leg. PLUS there was a "flow" me
I know I know I'm not writing in here very often....but since some people won't stop sarcastically reminding me to write (accchem Joe) I guess I'll have to. These past 2 weeks have been pretty busy, I had a test on tuesday and I have a big paper due next wednesday that was supposed to be monday but she moved it. So....I'm a little happy about that. I will write very quickly about events occurring for Heather's birthday and after that. So 2 saturdays ago I went to Buffalo with Emily. We got to Heather's boyfriend's apartment, and a bunch of people were there, but not Heather or her boyfriend (Bob). This was a SURPRISE party which I had failed to pick up on. So Bob called Emily's phone and hung up, which was the sign that they were coming over, and we all hurried to tape plastic cloth thing on the door and fill it with balloons. We all waited around til we heard them come up and yelled "Surprise!" That was cool, and she had no idea.
Wow I have a lot to catch up on. I really hate waiting to write in this til the last minute, b/c then you people have to read really long entries and it's annoying. So sorry, but that's the way it's gonna have to be. Let's start with 2 thursdays ago. This was a very busy day for me, and exhausting. I had been studying for my GREs all week, and had to take them at RIT. So I had to worry about finding RIT b/c I've never been there (it's actually very easy) and worry about taking this stupid test at 9 in the morning when I don't know SHIT about math anymore. Well I finally got there, and I expected the room to be a big classroom type of environment. It was the exact opposite. There were 4 cubicles on each side of a very small room that was soundproof. And if other people's typing bothered me, I could put on headphones. I thought that was cool, even though I didn't use them. The entire test was also done on the computer, and we received o