
Showing posts from October, 2003
So last week I won free tickets to Comix Cafe in Rochester, ten free tickets to be exact. I think it's gonna end up being the people that live in my house and the people that live in Pat's house, b/c I dont' know 10 people that all really know each other and can make it next thursday. I'm pretty sure we're going to see Jimmy Shubert, who the program lists was in movies like Go, Coyote Ugly, and The Italian Job. He was probably just in the background or something though. I don't care as long as he's funny. This weekend was very busy. Well first of all, apparently I didn't scar Doug about the domestic thing, because he played a cd for me at work, and then let me keep it. I was like "woohoo" free cd! It's this guy that sounds kinda like John Mayer, and I do actually really like the cd. But that was thursday. On FRIDAY, Joe came to my school, because he was on break. He got here at around 6:15, then we went to Pizza Hut with my ho
So apparently being "the most domestic guy I've ever met" is a bad thing. Doug seemed a little offended when he happened to read about that, so I'm typing an explanation. Seeing as though most the guys I know either play rugby, which means they aren't the most debonair guys in the world, or just plain don't know how to do any housework (accchem Joe), it seems as if it wasn't such an insult after all. Besides, who ever said it was a bad thing to be domestic anyway? AND....Doug called me the nerdiest person he'd ever met, so I think he's being a little oversensitive. In other news, I went home this weekend to visit with my family and Joe. He was home friday and saturday nights, so I hung out with him then. Friday we went to see Kill Bill. It was a good movie, but slow at some points. The stand-out scene is the scene with Lucy Liu and Master Tanaka at the long table....just watch the movie for that scene. I wish it didn't end so abru
I forgot to mention in my last writings that I went to a talk at Strong last thursday with the people I work with. I didn't really know what this talk was all about, but I got there and the guy was the chair of Neurology at Harvard Medical School. Yeah. I could tell he was very intelligent, but down to earth too, and I actually understood a lot of what he was talking about. (Circadian rhythms and stuff like that) Some guy asked a question about MPP+ which is something that acts like a Parkinson's agent, and he wanted to know if it was tested in primates. The Harvard guy didn't know the answer, but I did, but I was afraid to say anything. I also had the best coconut cookie of my entire life there. Apparently every thursday is bond with work members day. This guy that works in the depression/sleep lab down the hall from our lab, Doug, wanted to have a dinner for us. So I went with Sara, my supervisor, last night. We got there and he had the cutest little apartment
I don't only write about getting drunk in here as one of my old friends has just told I? Maybe b/c all there is to do in this cow town is get drunk, plus getting drunk is just plain fun. So this weekend I not only got really drunk, I went out to eat 3 times. Friday we celebrated Sara's 22nd birthday (we're all getting so old) and went to eat at the Outback Steakhouse in Henrietta. I love Australia, and I love steak, so I was set. Before that we had gone to the mall and I bought a cute little grass skirt so I can be a hula dancer for halloween (and also freeze to death). I also ended up buying my mom a Christmas present. Who does that? It's like barely October. So after the mall and dinner we went to see Under the Tuscan Sun. It was a great, funny, happy movie, except the last 2 minutes of the movie I would have taken out. Just didn't fit. All the Italian guys were sexy and funny, of course. And I love to see anything about Italian culture b