
Showing posts from June, 2003
I'm in Washington DC with my best buddds right now and they are sleeping together as we speak so I'm here on the computer. But I don't feel like writing in this b/c I ate a lot of candy and now have ADD.
I don't have much time to write in this, and I'm sure the 2 people that read it don't have time to listen to me blather on (oooh big word) so I'll list highlights from this highly entertaining weekend: Friday: Pat came over, we went to Eastview. It was his FIRST time EVER going there, how weird is that? We had to buy father's day and Keith's birthday presents. I totally randomly got recognized by Andrew Silkewicz at the Discovery Channel store and was a little freaked out b/c I've never talked to him before and he graduated 3 years before I did. Of course I knew who he was too (after a little while) so I guess it's not that weird of a thing. We also watched Old School that night, pretty funny movie. Pat bought it along with Stripes and The Big Lebowski. Saturday: Rugby party, wooohooooo. The day starts off on a good note when we (me and Pat) got to the game and I decided to introduce Pat to my dad's extremely crazy friend Von Straun.
Okay now we're flying to Washington....apparently Joe's mom found plane tickets for like 170 dollars and Joe reaaaaally doesn't want to drive. Hopefully we figure it out soon, since we're leaving in a week. Last night was Keith's big senior class party at our house. He was setting up tents with his friends when I left for Pat's. I went to Pat's house, watched some home videos of him and his family when he was like 5 (sooo cute), went to the movies, then hung out a little bit and I went back home. When I pulled in the driveway I saw tons of cars parked up near the shed, and a fire was going. Then I got in the house and every 2 minutes some people would come in to use the bathroom. I caught Andrea Dineri dancing in front of my hallway mirror, so I'm assuming everyone was pretty drunk. I think they had a keg and a half or something. This weekend Pat is coming, and on friday we are going present shopping at the mall. I've actually never go
Ahhhh I really have to stop having strange dreams.... In other news, Joe and I have FINALLY decided on driving to Washington to see Angie, a good choice since the alternative would be paying 300 dollars for a plane/train ticket..... And I am getting AWAY from my house tonight. My brother decided to hold his class' senior sleepover at our house and will have about 30 kids over to spend the night. Therefore, I am going to Pat's house for as long as I can. Lastly...I hit a triple in last night's softball game! But then hit nothing substantial after that, but we still won 9-6. Those are the highlights folks, more later b/c I have to go plant some cabbage!
I'm at lunch at work. And sooooo glad that it's friday. Work went by fast this week, but I don't think I can stand much more of it. This weekend isn't as big as the past 2 weekends, I'm looking and hoping to find a decent car, I'm going out in G-town tonight, and I'm going to Auburn tomorrow night. Monday Sjene unexpectedly dropped by Geneva. She called my phone and left a message saying she had to come through Geneva on her way back to Rochester from checking out U of Binghamton. I was supposed to hang out with Joe that night, so me and Joe met her at Wegmans and tried to figure out what to do. We ended up going to Ports, but forgetting that it was monday and Port's was closed. So we stopped at my house for a little bit and then went to Friendly's to eat. We ended up getting all the Friendly's workers watching us the whole time, which oddly always happens to me and Joe (and usually Sue) there. We then rented and watched a reaaally
And now my 3 day weekend is over. I wish it wasn't, I was a little hesitant at first to spend so much time with Pat's extended family, since I didn't know a thing about them, but once I met them I wanted to stay there for much longer. Let's start at the beginning.... Friday I woke up and had lunch at Port's with Joe. I hadn't been there since last summer and I didn't even say hi to my old bosses which was rude of me. I just didn't feel like having a whole big conversation with them at that moment. I needed to do some packing too. So after lunch Joe took me on my errands (half the time he's my chauffer which I very much appreciate) and then back to my house to finish getting ready for the trip. My dad drove me to Pat's house, where he was described to me by Pat's mother as "handsome, and looks younger than he is." I was like "sure..?" That was the first time they met each other, which is kind of a long time sinc