So yesterday I didn't see Pat at all for the 1st time in a looong time and I actually missed him. Alot. Pathetic or just really in love? Hmmm......

Anyway, this week is hell week, as I have mentioned. But the worst of it is now over, so I am relaxing tonight. I had 2 huge tests, one last night and one today. Today looked like this: Class, class, lunch, study for test, take test, practice piano, take part in hugely retarded experiment and not get home til 4:30. The experiment involved locking me in a dark, tiny, closet-like room and having my chin strapped face stare at a computer screen for 40 minutes. I would see tiny green "L"s or "T"s flash at me for a half a second. My job was to tell the Ls from the Ts. Apparently 700 trials was needed for this, AND I get to go back thursday to do the same thing. Of course I get like 4 extra credit points for one of my classes for this. So it's not tooooo bad.....

Today is my roommate Sara's b-day. She is 21 but she's not a big drinker so we just ordered a pizza and kinda hung out here. Pat came and hung out a little bit. It was hilarious b/c I had absolutely no brain power left after earlier today so I was just being really odd, and he was just being his hilarious self so we had a great time.

I was thinking of re-posting my last posts from my other blog in here, but they'd be all out of order and it wouldn' t make much sense so I dont think I will, plus I don't think people care THAT much about my life.

Joe's b-day is coming up!! I'm excited to see my best bud again. (and get wasted with him)


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