I went with Maura (and met Johnny there) to see Ben Folds in concert last night here at good ole Geneseo. He was supposed to play with Rufus Wainright but Rufus cancelled at the last minute saying he had bronchitis. That kinda sucked b/c I really like his music and have actually heard his stuff. Well I've heard stuff from Ben Folds Five but it's a one man band now so I'd never heard any of his solo stuff. I didn't know how much I would enjoy the concert but I ended up loving it b/c he is an INCREDIBLE piano player. I mean awesome. He could have just pounded on the keys (which he frequently did) and it would have sounded great. I get awestruck by great piano playing, so that was definitely worth it for me. I gotta go meet Pat for lunch now (well if he remembers) so I'll write more later.
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