I didn't so much get my paper finished yet....but I do have 3 out of 12 pages done...yay. I think I really should get goin on that....except that I'm one of the biggest procrastinators I know.

Thursday was one of the busiest days I had this semester. I had classes from 10 to 3:15, then got to go home for an hour. I ate dinner b/c I wasn't gonna have time otherwise, then Emily and Sam, two girls from my psyc classes came and picked me up for this communication workshop. The only reason I went was for extra credit, which I'm really gonna need b/c this paper is gonna suck. But the thing was actually fun. Everyone in the "audience" had to go down to the stage and meet each other and play telephone games. The object was to see how people normally communicate and improve that. I got to know some people and it was cool. Right after that (actually I had to leave early) I had to go watch a movie called "El Norte" about two Guatemalan siblings that flee their country after their parents are killed. They go to Mexico, then America (Los Angeles). It was a really good movie, but highly depressing. On the upside I learned how to say "fuck" in spanish (chingana). I finally got back to my room around 9:45 and did NOT feel like working on my paper at all.

Oh I did watch a pretty cool movie in film class thursday. It's called "Double Indemnity" and it's from like 1939 or something. It's about a woman that hires an insurance salesman to kill her husband so she can get the money. The movie was okay but the end was cool. They did a "dance of death" in which the woman shoots the man, but then can't go through with killing him and hugs him and tells him she loves him. While she's doing this he shoots her 2x in the back, killing her. That was the best part of the movie. Sorry if I ruined it for anyone but I doubt anyone's gonna run out and rent it.

Last night was highly interesting. Pat's house (not the rugby house, his actual house where he lives) had a party that I went to. When I got there it was a little crowded, but not that bad. I couldn't find Pat, but from numerous sources heard that he was upstairs with some people doing illegal things in his room. His housemate was like "go up there and knock on the door" so I just went up there and got him. He was soooooo messed up but it was really funny.

Like two minutes later Travis got there. (If you don't know who this is, refer to december-january of my previous blog) My friend freshman year, Holly, was there too. This is a girl that Pat randomly hooked up with before. At one point me and Pat were standing together, face to face talking. I kinda poked him and motioned to Holly, which was standing on the side of us. I was just being funny, like "hey look who it is, oooh". But then I realized that Travis was standing on the other side of us and Pat kinda motioned to HIM in the same way. Then we both just started cracking up, realizing that we hooked up with both of them. Okay so maybe that's just funny to me and Pat and you guys had to be there, but really it was funny.

Also at one point these two guys were talking around me and I noticed they were like "where's Skeech, where's Skeech?" over and over. I was like "what the hell do these guys want?" so I pointed Pat out to them. They were like "woah, is that really him?" and I was like "umm yeaaah..." So they went up to him and were like "SKEECH you are THE MAN! You rule, all I hear are stories about you, you are THE MAN!" Pat was just standing there with this big drunk smile on his face, it was really funny. The guys then turned their attention to me and were like "so do you know Skeech?" and I said "yeah I'm his girlfriend." They were like "Woah Skeech you really ARE the man!!!" and it was great, b/c they acted like Pat was some kind of celebrity.

I also ended up talking some girl into flipping around a bar on the stairs like she was in the Olympics, and talking to this girl that goes to Naz and knows Angie, Kris, and Dave. I still don't even know her name, but she goes out with one of Pat's housemates so she'll probably be back a lot.

There were sooooo many people there after awhile that we couldn't even really move without taking 10 minutes to get where we wanted to go. Pat was so wasted and I didn't want him drinking any more anyway. I had 2 and half beers and I was pretty gone....I think I didn't eat much before that. So we both just went upstairs and hung out in his room. We both went down like 15 minutes later to go to the bathroom and EVERYONE was gone. It was really strange, like "ooooookay". But it was a fun party, I just feel bad for Pat and his housemates, who have to clean up everything.

This morning Pat woke up at 8:30 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I could have, I'm sure, but it was okay. I just went back here and took a nap after breakfast. I worked on my paper a little bit and now I'm gonna go to the mall!! I don't know what's goin on tonight, but I know tomorrow will be solely devoted to doing my paper.


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