
Showing posts from 2010

Purple Coins are a Pain in the Ass

I'm so very sorry.  I want to stop apologizing, but I can't do that either, so I'm also sorry for apologizing in every blog post.  I still need to post about the wedding *sigh* and the honeymoon *sigh again* but time is like a leaf on the wind.  Months have passed before I even realize they are gone.  I will post about all the wonderful changes that have happened, and continue to happen in my life (it's officially "our" lives now, I'm married!), I promise.  For now, I'd like to say that I finally beat Luigi's Purple Coins in the Toy Time Galaxy! I know what you are thinking "...huh?"  Mario Galaxy.  It is a Wii game.  Play it.  I know, I know, the Wii is not very cool and the game mechanics suck.  But for this game, they don't suck.  Everything about it is completely awesome.  Except those damned purple coins.  But lucky for everyone who isn't a completionist, they are not required of you to beat the game.  For me, collect

Erica Curasi

I am now married!  I'm changing my last name, mostly because Howard is too common and Curasi sounds better :-)  Plus I have 2 brothers, let them carry on the name.  We've also gone on our Honeymoon (to Italy!).  I have a lot to say about both occurrences, but not tonight.  I only have an hour before Mike gets home and it's gonna take awhile to write about the biggest events in my life. Everything went very well, I have (almost) no complaints about the last 2 weeks.  And, so far, I love being married!  I especially love that I am not planning a wedding any longer.  What a load off of both of us. Ok stay tuned for stories!

Thoughts on Marriage

I wanted to write waaaay more often than this.  Wedding planning has sucked me into a black hole and I can't wait to get out of it.  Don't get me wrong, most of the process is fun, and I love getting packages in the mail every other day (just got the favors today, they are so cute), but I'll be a lot saner when this is all over.  Which is in...a month!  Ahhh!  Well, like 5 weeks.  But still.  I'll be married in 5 weeks.  Considering how many boyfriends/crushes this blog has gone through, it is a big accomplishment.  I'm completely content with marrying Mike, and wouldn't change it for a thing.  I never thought I would be one of those people who say "you will just know who the right person is"...but I guess I am.  I had major problems with commitment in the past, and I have apologized to all of my exes for that, but I do still feel badly.  None of them were bad people, they just weren't the right ones. So finally, most things are done.  We have

A Digestive Rant

This story begins with me being diagnosed with Acid Reflux or GERD, both of which sound disgusting.  I don't even know if "diagnosed" is the right term, since this thing isn't life threatening, but I believe it was causing me to have heart palpitations, which can be serious.  So yeah, I have a stupid f*ing acid reflux problem.  It can be brought on by stress or bad eating habits, of which I have a bit of both from the wedding and working overnights, respectively.   Okay let me go a bit further back.  My stomach started hurting on a regular basis starting about 9 months ago.  Not much that I did would help it, and then after awhile it would just go away on its own.  I also started waking in the middle of the night, staying awake for about 2 hours, then going back to sleep.  A couple months before my diagnosis, I had started using 2 pillows to sleep on, without really knowing why, except that I was more comfortable that way. So after much pushing from Mike and my mo

Modern Times

Apparently I'm behind the times on this blog.  I used to change the page layout periodically as my moods changed (once I even had a color-changing layout), but I guess I haven't changed my layout in at least 3 years. So, in true zombie fashion, they are forcing me to change or they are turning against me.  This time, I'm not only changing my template, the whole system has changed.  I'm just warning people in case I do something wrong (I have limited technological capacity) and the site gets messed up. Here's hoping!   

Out of the Past

In honor of mine and Mike's 4 year anniversary (which occurred yesterday and was awesome), I will go into the past and dig up some interesting interactions of ours before we even knew each other. For context, I had a crush on Mike when we were both attending Geneseo.  It wasn't too intense due to the fact that I had a boyfriend for 2 years while I was there, and because I always thought Mike was way cooler than me, but every time he walked into the performing arts office where I worked, my heart would flutter a bit. Auspiciously, we sort of traveled in the same circles.  I had a friend named "Goo" who I've probably mentioned way back in this blog, who did films with Mike while at Geneseo.  So I knew about these films, and taped them off of "GSTV", our local college tv station.  Then I watched them, pretty much just for Mike, who looked adorable.  (And I do still own them, and he still looks adorable in them.) He didn't know me at all at this ti

New York, New York

This city is a very interesting place, and not always in a good way. Most people I know who live here have a love/hate relationship with NYC. Let's list the pros and cons, shall we? Cons: -Most streets smell, especially in Chinatown -The street cleaning machine, although a great idea, gets shit in my eyes when I'm walking -Crowded, crowded, crowded -Many people do not speak English, nor do they care to speak English -90% of retail/chain store employees are rude as hell -It rains more than Seattle -It rarely snows (this may just be my western new yorker opinion) -Post Offices are slow as hell; I almost fainted while waiting to pick up a package one time -Good luck finding your favorite chain restaurants (Arby's/Friendly's/Wendy's) -Good luck finding inexpensive clothes or shoes that fit if you are shopping in Manhattan - Cockroaches . -Can't keep windows open/blind-less in your apartment unless you're an exhibitionist -Employers/fellow employees are mostly