
Showing posts from November, 2007

Like a Bat Out of Hell, I'll Be Gone When the Morning Comes

I'm extremely sad/nostalgic right now. The fault for this exclusively lies with Joss Whedon. My college friend Angela came over to hang out tonight, which was very fun and nice. But on a previous visit home Mike and I had gotten her into watching Angel , because we were watching the 5th season at the time. So she came over tonight and said the only episode she still needed to see was the series finale. Of course I told her we could watch it, I was excited to revisit my old friends! Well the excitement turned into longing. Longing for the return of not only Angel , but for Buffy as well. The characters were like old friends I hadn't seen in years returning to me in ghost form. I could only have them for a little while, then they must leave again. Sigh. I cannot stress enough how amazing those two tv shows are. I now feel like an addict, a Joss Whedon addict. I can't wait for his new show Dollhouse , but it won't be the same :( In Thanksgiving news, my trip ho

No More Frankenfoot

My foot is feeling a lot better. I am no longer on crutches or in any kind of splint. I am walking, with a slight limp, but walking nonetheless. Once my calf muscle gets back in shape (about a month from now) I'll be able to walk without a limp. The bone part of my foot never hurts, but the incision still does if it gets angry at me or I hit it on something. The reason it may get angry at me is that my supposed "absorbable" or "disolvable" sutures (Vicryl) are reacting with my foot instead of just doing what the hell they're supposed to and going away. So my incision opened up wider and got softer instead of closing and going away. My doctor now has me on cephalexin just in case of infection, and he says with some hydrogen peroxide and band-aids it should close soon. I'll probably have a worse scar than I would have had, but I kinda like scars anyway; it'll make me look like a bad-ass. I do have good news though, he took x-rays recently and sa

Everybody Knows It Hurts to Grow Up

Thank you Ben Folds, for supplying such a fitting title. The other day I went to my cousin's fiance's baby shower. I drove my mom, aunt, and grandma to Buffalo for the occasion, where I have never driven to before. The cousin referred to in the first sentence, Cory, lives in Buffalo, and I hadn't seen him in probably 3 years or so. Cory was a very close cousin to me growing up. Since he lived pretty far from Geneva, when he would visit he would stay with my family, sometimes for a few weeks at a time. He became like an older brother to me, and we did some of the most fun things together growing up. I remember one year when I was about 6 and he came for a little while in the summer. I was obsessed with WWF wrestling at the time (seriously obsessed, I was in love with Marty Janetti), and we formed a "Smash and Crush Club". My dad had lots of tools lying around all the time so we fashioned a sign meant to scare people that said Smash and Crush in nails. We ba

Oh Captain My Captain!

Just a quick little taste of a blog for your appetites: --I watched both Hardboiled and Dead Poet's Society on Thursday night. I had never seen Hardboiled save for the first fight scene, so I was pleasantly surprised to find the hottest man in Hong Kong Cinema in the film. That would be my man Tony Leung. Yay! The fact that he was in the movie made up for the fact that they spent about 45 minutes on an exploding hospital that apparently only caters to babies and people with polio. Overall, I'd give the first half of the movie a B+ and the second half a C-. But since I love Tony Leung (and since City on Fire I've liked Chow Yun Fat), it was a pleasurable experience for me. My favorite acting scene (the film was mostly about who had the biggest/most guns) was a scene in a warehouse where Tony turns around and looks like he's confused and anguished at the same time, it's great. The only thing I could find that showed it was this random music video set to cli