
Showing posts from July, 2007

You're the 5 People I'll Meet in Hell!

Sorry guys, had to use that one for Mike, who is obsessed with that quote right now. If you've seen the new Simpsons movie, you'll know what that is. We saw it last night, and it was better than I thought it would be. The Simpsons has been on tv for so long that I thought it had completely run out of ideas, but it did alright. I don't really have too much to say about it, besides it being funny. Yeah that's it. I have one finger nail that is extremely long, and is preventing me from typing properly now, because it's so long. Mike has taken to calling me Harvey Keitel (you get a gold star if you know that reference), yet I still don't want to cut it. If it was a fake nail it would be easier to type, because those nails are pretty tough. This nail is all bendy and shit. I can bend it down to my finger and it'll pop up again, so that makes it kind of a bitch on the keyboard. Anyway, enough about my freak nail. I got a hair cut today. I haven't h

Too Many Things To Do!

I started reading A Game of Thrones a while ago, and since I'm not Mike's mom (who apparently read the new Harry Potter book in one day) I'm still reading it. BUT! I want to read the Harry Potter book before all the crappy people in this world ruin the story for me! Damn my eyes! Exclamation Point! (I didn't have enough of those in there) I'll just have to read tons and tons of A Game of Thrones in a short period of time. That is the ONLY option. Which sucks because.... ...I'm also trying to get through Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories for Game Boy Advance so I can play Kingdom Hearts 2 on Playstation before Mike's brother Chris comes up so I can tell him how it was. I guess I'll just have to put that off a bit too. PLUS....Mike and I are trying to both get through the tv series Carnivale and at the same time watch Record of Lodoss War . AHHHH. Oh PS: I'm slightly crazy tonight because I went to a wine festival earlier and I think t

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!

In case I haven't mentioned it before, one of my hobbies is going through my amazingly accurate book of "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" and then finding the old classics on TCM or AMC. TCM even shows the films in their entirety, which is evidenced by the whole lotta nudity I saw recently while watching The Last Picture Show . I've only disliked a few of the films in the book, but I still respect why they're in there. I hope to see most of the films, but so far I've only seen about 230 of them. I figure I have at least another 45 years to go, so I should be able to do it. Tonight's viewing was of a Russ Meyer film entitled Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! I can basically sum up the film by saying it's like Charlie's Angels as would be directed by Quentin Tarantino, right down to the surfing style music. The overall theme of the film is that sex and violence are intertwined. This is not a subtle theme. As the narrator says: "Whil

Some Things You May Not Know About Me

1: I have never, in my life, liked any type of pop/soda. I have tried pepsi and mountain dew on occasion where there is absolutely nothing else available. I have never tried coke, (except sips of friends alcoholic drinks) Dr. Pepper, 7up, Sprite, or whatever the hell else they have out there. 2: Along those same lines, I've never made coffee. I rarely drink coffee (I've probably had about 3 cups in my life) but I do enjoy some kind of coffee type mixture from Starbucks from time to time. If you're wondering where I get my caffeine from, I prefer tea (green--black makes me nuts). 3: I heart porn. Probably too much. 4: I can completely invert my feet. You know like dancers have that out-step or whatever the fuck it is. My feet can't go that way at all, but I can put both of them in and then walk with them at complete right angles to my legs. It's gross and disturbing, but I'll show you if I see you! 5: I've never had a nosebleed. Ever. 6: I can

I love this moment so much that I want to have sex with it

AKA my favorite line from the Scrubs episode I just watched. Well it was either that line or "It's not a unicorn, it's a horse with a sword on its head that protects my hopes and dreams." Anywhoo...this summer has been unbelievably busy. I went to my little brother's high school graduation a few weeks ago, met his girlfriend (my baby brother has a girlfriend??!!) and noticed how much he actually HAD grown up. It saddens me but I'm hopeful for his future as an adult at the same time. I've been the only "true" adult in my family for awhile. (I feel like more of an adult than my mom or dad, since they both still have this early twenties sensibility about them) Keith, my other brother, basically has no direction whatsoever in life, so I'm hoping that Paul goes to college and does something useful with himself. I still love my whole family to death, those are just my thoughts on the matter. Here are pictures!: