
Showing posts from June, 2007

Oedipus Complex anyone?

Really quickly... I'd like to say that I have just watched Harold and Maude . Contrary to what I thought it would be like, it turned out to be very good. Everyone knows it's about a young kid and an old lady who fall in love. is extremely tasteful, and has a kind of hippie logic that I appreciate. Both actors did wonderful jobs, and it had a great ending, which really solidifies the movie watching process for me. I guess I'd say that it is like The Graduate with its treatment of adults who just don't know what young people need or want, but it's also like Bringing Up Baby or Garden State or something similar, where the kooky girl and the straight man fall in love. The kooky girl just happens to be 79 years old, but she has convincing reasons for being the way she is. This makes me happy; I really don't like movies that do that kind of thing with characters but don't explain why they're doing it, I like to have a psychology behind my

Why Was There Bacon in the Soap?

Currently my extra-curricular activities involve lots of hosting parties, going to parties, and going out of state. BUT! I still have time for the tv! Here are my current thoughts on my tv/movie watching hobby: 1: I haven't watched any new anime in awhile, but I HAVE been watching some Invader Zim. This show used to be on Nickelodeon at some point in time, but I didn't know about it and have been watching it at work with Andrew when we get downtime (which is only on overnights, otherwise we's busy peoples). It's not for everybody, but with my silly sense of humor I loooove it. My favorite part of the show is GIR, an alien-made robot who is kind of broken and just goes crazy all the time. I also love when Zim shakes his fist and talks threateningly (you'd know if you saw the show). This is a little clip show of Zim and GIR, but mostly GIR. If you can sit through this and you find yourself laughing, I suggest watching the show: 2: Mike and I finally finishe

The Land of Cherries and Giant Spoons

Apparently the symbol of Minneapolis is a giant spoon housing a water-spewing cherry. That's okay, I'm a fan of cherries and it was a pretty cool sculpture. Minneapolis was actually much cooler than I thought it would be. That might be because of the three nights in a row that I got really drunk, but also because it was a very clean, artsy city. I didn't see any homeless people, and although we were in the heart of the city, there was nary a fast food place in sight. We heard about a "Subway restaurant, but didn't actually see it. There is also a really cool "Skyway" where you can walk all around downtown inside a big window filled walkway over the city. I guess I'll start at the beginning, I have some time before my nap. Andrew, Andy and I caught our flight at 6am on saturday morning the 9th. Andrew, Mike and I had stayed up all night the night before, because we had to be at the airport at 5am anyway, so we thought we'd have a Mario Party

Brilex: the wedding

So I've been so busy these past few weeks, that I've barely gotten enough time to breathe, let alone finish everything for the house (or even go grocery shopping). But having these adventures gives me some material for blogging, so that's always good. Today I shall talk about the wedding of Brian and Alex (or Brilex's wedding). Brian is Mike's best friend from college and Alex is, as of right now, his wife. Next week I'll talk about my drunken escapades in Minneapolis. So the whole weekend of May 31st-June 3rd was just kinda nuts. I had social engagements every day, and through it all a sleep dep run was going on at the lab (5 day runs that usually require all my attention). I ended up trusting my children aka minions aka lab techs to actually do their work without me asking how they were doing every second, and it went fine. I'll just highlight points of that weekend and then show some pictures! Thursday: Clam bake/engagement party for Adam and Emil


There will be a lot to tell in a few days about Brian and Alex's wedding adventures (resulting in 5 people sleeping over last night and extreme exhaustion for Mike and I today) but right now I want to let everyone know who doesn't know already that The Golden Compass , which is the first in an amazing series of books called The His Dark Materials Trilogy, is going to be a movie. Well I guess it is already a movie, it's coming out in December of this year. This is the preview: If the preview seems at all interesting to you, pick up the trilogy of books (acchem Justin), because seriously, they're great. They're by Phillip Pullman, and he's won tons of awards for them. Oh and if you're super-religious, maybe you won't want to pick them up...just a disclaimer.