
Showing posts from October, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Well I'm in one of my not feeling like writing in my blog moods lately, so I'm just gonna take the low road and post pictures. Hey, it's still better than ALL of my friends, who just completely stopped updating their blogs... By the way, I'm a flapper, Mike is a vampire, Sue is a girl scout, Joe and Joe are rockers. And then there's some random fun stuff thrown in. Four of us getting ready for Noah's party Mike and I being goth...or a vampire and a flapper I just really like Joe's hand in this picture I'm pretty sure he's trying for the same thing in this one, but it just looks like he's trying to touch my boob Have I mentioned that I heart Raj? (He's Cartman) A bear and a turtle find love on the dance floor And continuing on with the interspecies love pictures... The happiest cowboy EVER And....Snow White the Furry alcoholic? Thank you, and good night.

No Psychoanalysis Tonight!

I really don't know why I'm so idolatrous of celebrities, but let's face it, I am. I can't help it, and that's the way it is. Right now I don't really care why I am how I am. What I am REALLY excited about is the fact that I wrote Jenna Fischer a myspace email today, and she's already read it! It's only been a few hours! (I know I'm a crazy stalker). But I'm obsessed with The Office and obsessed with her and John Krasinski. And since John doesn't have a myspace, and she is wicked cool, I am going to be obsessed with her instead. And all of you nay-sayers....she says all the time that she loves myspace (she logs in like every day AND on the set) and she HERSELF reads all of the messages that she gets. Now if I get a response, it'll be hoping for too much, but a girl can always dream.... I'll keep you posted. Oh if you'd like to see her page, here it is:

posting a blog to distract myself from the lab ghost

Also to show off my cousin Maria, who just had some professional photos taken of herself. SHE LOOKS HOT. I'm so jealous. I should hire Hannah to take pictures of me, although I know they wouldn't turn out this good. Oh yeah Hannah Betts is my other cousin, and Maria's neice (even though Hannah is only 2 years younger than Maria, long story). She took these pics, just to reiterate, since I'm stealing them to post here. She went to that famous NYC fashion school, I forget the name of it (you see how fashionable I am) and I guess it shows.

I heart lists of random things

Now it's time foooooor......a list of random things! Again! 1: When I was swimming the other day, I realized that doing my laps would be so much more fun if there were fish beneath me, just chillin, being fish. If I ever get super rich I'm gonna have an aquarium directly below my pool. Not that the physics of that would work very well, but a girl can dream. 2: There are few topical phrases that I actually like. The phrase "cool beans" annoys me to the point of wanting to punch someone. I hate words with "y" or "ie" on the end, such as "hottie", or anything that just sounds childish, like "my boo". However, I am obsessed with saying that I "heart" things. That is the perfect phrase to me, and I'm not sure why. It's like "Cellar Door", it just rolls off your tongue. Or something. I don't know, ask Donnie Darko. 3: I finally got my raise, I now make roughly 50 extra dollars a week, or 1