
Showing posts from May, 2006

5 points of interest in my life as of today

Oh yes, I still have a blog! Although I'm thinking of changing the layout, since for some reason this layout took away my use of different fonts and colors. It's probably about time for a new layout anyhow. We'll see. I don't feel like writing a lot, so here's the news for the day: 1: When a guy you've never met comes up to you and says "My girl would cry if she saw you" and then nothing else, what should you respond with? I believe I did the right thing by hesitating and looking quizzical. He then explained that she would envy my flat stomach because she's pregnant. Weird thing to say to a stranger. I proceeded to see about 5 pregnant girls in the hospital after that, I guess popping out kids is the popular thing to do these days. 2: I am moving, very soon. I'm half-packed. Mike is waiting on the edge of his seat. My mom is disappointed, since she now can't drive herself to my apartment. Andrew needs to get a move on with his

Dream a Little Dream

I know I've mentioned multiple times in here that I'm sort of a dreaming expert. Not that I can analyze people's dreams for them, because unlike Freud, I believe that dreams rarely have deep meaning. I mean that I can remember about 75% of my dreams and I can do funny things with my dreams. Also they are fucked up as hell. Case in point. I haven't gotten much sleep lately, so I was exhausted when I went to bed last night. I actually woke up and turned my alarm off and went back to sleep, which I've never done in my entire life, that's how tired I was. This was the dream I had last night. (and yes it probably is a rip off from Battlestar but I wasn't thinking that in the dream at all) So in the dream I started watching this movie before I had to go into work, and I was gonna only watch a little of the movie before I went in. I had watched the film the year before and knew it was scary and that I shouldn't be watching it by myself. The film was c

A Night Out

So my amazing boyfriend took me to a dinner at Tastings last night. This was a dinner to end all dinners, I kid you not. This is how it went down: drinks: "Flock of Seagulls" mixed drink bottle of wine water appetizers: some specially-made shrimp that I can't remember the name of zucchini fries (if you go there, GET THESE) a salad split between us that had us try 3 different kinds of bleu cheese dressing entre: chicken with polenta and vegetables, au jus desserts: one cream puff-strawberry thingy which was one of the best desserts EVER, and which Mike actually bought and brought into the restaurant for them to prepare for me some raspberry, passion fruit, and mango sorbet some cookies, assorted Now folks, this was just MY HALF of the meal. I think I sufficiently stretched my stomach, but it was all excellent. I randomly have cravings for those zucchini fries and the strawberry dessert now. This was a secretly planned (by Mike) meal, after which we went to a secretly

Silence is Golden

So I can talk. Maybe not as eloquently as I type, but I have no trouble striking up conversations with people. However, talking is not the same as expressing emotions through words, which I have a very hard time doing. I feel like it's very hard for me to say how I feel to people, for fear of getting put down, and sometimes, for fear of hurting others' feelings. Now when Andrew and I were in the process of our horrendously emotional breakup, I was crying a lot, but not saying much at all. So Andrew was confused and tried to get me to emote by constantly asking me how I was feeling, which wasn't helping the matter at all. Well Andrew has just broken up with the girl he went out with after me (BEFORE I started dating Mike, I may add). She's very hurt and keeps wondering what things she could have done to change how he felt and why he didn't tell her much of a reason why he didn't want to be with her. This makes me feel guilty for never telling Andrew anyth

Why I am hooked on Grey's Anatomy

Because, though many tv shows try, it is the only one in recent times that actually gets the romantic stuff right. Maybe it's only my preference, but it is a very popular show, (with women) and I think that it's for a reason. Now in the last episode aired, they made it even better. They outdid themselves and it was awesome. What they did right: 1: Very first episode ever, random girl and guy hook up. Then we find out later that he's her new boss and neither of them knew it. 2: Then she realizes what they are doing is wrong and breaks it off, but he still pursues unabashedly. 3: She lets the whole hospital know how she feels, they seem like they're gonna get together for real, when his wife shows up and "forces" them back together after she had cheated on him. He still wants the girl but has to keep it a secret from his wife. 4: Patients and staff constantly comment on how much guy likes girl and vice versa. 5: Girl gets asked out by vet, guy has to brin

Oldies Songs Will Fuck with Your Head

Seriously, I've been listening to the oldies station all day and some of the songs are about the weirdest things. Right this minute this song is on: Little children You better not tell on me I'm tellin' you Little children You better not tell what you see And if you're good I'll give you candy and a quarter If you're quiet like you oughta be And keep a secret with me I wish they would go away Little children Now why ain't you playin' outside I'm askin' you You can't fool me 'Cause I'm gonna know if you hide And try to peek I'm gonna treat you to a movie Stop your gigglin' Children do be nice Like little sugars and spice I also heard a song today about a girl having "2 lovers but I love them both the same", last week it was about a girl having 2 lovers but instead of being two different people, it was the same guy with a split personality. Not to mention all the songs about guys that sound at least 30 being in love


Happy 24th Birthday Angie!!! Hope everything is going well, and it's a nice day up here so I'm betting it's nice in D.C. as well. So enjoy the day and I'll see you soon, I swear!!