
Showing posts from April, 2006

Nice weather!

I love nice weather, it makes me all happy to go running and playing through nice green grass, walking by the reservoir, and getting ice cream. Maybe I'm still a child, or maybe I have S.A.D. Whatever, the sun is shining and I am happy. I haven't really updated as often as I should, but I usually find time to do it on overnights, which I haven't had any in the past week, and I've been at Mike's a lot lately so...sorry! (to all 2 of you who care) So I found a new apartment. It's right on Park Ave, in the cutest little building ever, and I'm excited. I'm living with my friend Sjene and it's only 1 mile from Mike's place, which, with the rising gas prices, is really cool. I'm moving out on May 26th, so less than a month left living with the ex! (which really isn't too bad, we get along, but I'd still like to be in a less awkward living situation, and for Mike to ever come over) In social news, Sue had a party a few nights ago which


Yes Michael, I stole your precious word. Muhahaha. Sue me, go ahead, I dare ya. Blaorg is the word that Mike uses to signify when he is cranky or bitching about something in his blog. I am PMSing to the fullest extent this month, and this is my blaorg. Things that are annoying me today: 1: My pager that won't stop beeping. It's like I'm supposed to answer these "pages". Pffft. 2: The fact that every time I take the laundry card off my dresser to do laundry, I lose it somewhere. And it always takes about 10 minutes to find it again. This time it was under my pile of clothes on the ground. 3a: People who fill the trash up to the fullest extent and then keep filling it so that it overflows. Nobody wants to clean up somebody elses' trash. Is it that difficult to take the fucking trash out when it's full. 3b: People who fill a large trash bag in about 2 days because they don't break down boxes. BREAK DOWN BOXES it makes it easier for everyone.

In Anticipation of Silent Hill....

...comes to you lucky people a thoroughly researched, throrougly thought about blogging experience. Which I find to be highly interesting and hope you will too. I'm getting back to my psychology roots and I love it. So without further ado, I will first discuss why horror movies scare us and then my hypothesis for why certain specific visual stimuli scares us. For a little background, Mike and I have spent an oddly significant amount of our conversational time together talking about things that scare us. Earlier tonight he was telling me all about the video game "Silent Hill" which sounds very creepy and is now about to be released onto the big screen. We've also realized that most of the same things scare us, and I saw on IMDB that similar things are scary to lots of people. But I'll get into that later. First....why do we find horror films so scary? Why did we refuse to look under our beds at night as children or tear open a closed shower curtain with anxiety? It

Belated Birthday News

Well since the only thing I've been doing lately is working and celebrating birthdays, I suppose I should do a birthday update from last week, just so everyone can feel like they've stalked every aspect of my being. Yeah. Anyway, a few fridays ago Mike's house had a party for Raj's birthday, Brian and Alex's engagement, Tim's birthday, Mike's birthday, and my birthday. Really there was just a lot of drinking and game playing involved, but also a few presents. Joe and Sue lovingly came to the party, although they had to leave early. Joe Petro also came, which was awesome too. I got pretty damn drunk, played foosball against some guy that I felt I needed to tell I hated him all night, and ended up almost asleep on a big chair with Mike and Raj taking pictures of me. (Mike has one up on his myspace profile) Besides just being a really fun party, Joe and Sue gave me their presents, which were awesome. Well....the shocking game was a huge


I just decided to play bounce out tonight and the first time around I got to level 7 and 84,000 points. BEAT THAT YOUR FIRST TRY OF THE NIGHT PEOPLE. Plus I'm sleep deprived, making my feat even more amazing. HA.

and they just keep on comin

Happy Birthday Mike!! Also, if you see a Time Warner Cable commercial with a handsome Italian guy talking to a roadrunner, that's him! I still have yet to see it but I'm sure I will. Okay time for birthday festivities!

Twenty Four

Is how old I officially became at 6:57 PM tonight. I was a 7 lb 11 oz baby girl born 5 days after I was supposed to be born. My mom was in labor for 32 hours. I had jaundice and tons of black black hair, I looked like an eskimo. I was also moving my mouth like I was speaking, the minute I was born. Go figure. So in honor of the day of my birth and because Mike and I were reminiscing about our Nickelodian-filled childhoods last night, I'm gonna go back, way back. I am going back to when I lived in my old house that I moved out of when I was around 7, so I was pretty young for all of this. Things I listened to or watched or played so many times when I was little that they will be forever ingrained into my head: SONGS -"I wanna be like you" from The Jungle Book, the song I listened to nonstop when I was about 4 -"The Rainbow Connection", which I can't listen to without crying for some reason -"Battle of New Orleans" which I will give you a doll