
Showing posts from September, 2005

Goodbye to IBM

My little computer that could finally....couldn't...anymore. It died a tragic death from a heat stroke and left me without AIM. Basically that's all I needed it for nowadays, what with Andrew's control center in the den that he's lovingly letting me use. So if you are reading this, bookmark my site, because you won't find it on my buddy list any time soon. I'm planning on getting a car before a computer, and that may take awhile to accomplish. I want a digital piano after the computer, and that will take even longer to accomplish. *sigh* I guess I'll just have to be good and wait. In other, semi-related news, I am bored most of the time at the apt. When I work nights, I have whole days off to while away at home. I watch tv, get sick of watching tv, play some video games, get sick of that, use Andrew's computer for a limited time, get sick of that. Because my extensive list of friends has dwindled to just a few (close in proximity that is, apparen

A Rant And A Rave

First the is for the power of caffeine! I know I've written about caffeine in here before, especially on overnights such as tonight, but I'm writing about it again, dammit. Anyway I worked last night, this morning, and tonight, so working 24 out of 40 consecutive hours made me feel like I needed a cappuccino to be able to stay up all night. Wellll.....I started to feel sleepy whilst drinking it, but after about a half hour I perked up and was able to finish scoring not 1 but 2 records in 3 hours, do a couple loads of laundry, label cds, and record impedence differences. Not that any of that matters to lay people, but I will explain the scoring at least somewhat, because to truly understand what a feat it is to score 2 records in 3 hours, you have to understand scoring. At my lab we record brain waves while a person is sleeping. These look like little squiggles on a computer screen, but are actually different hertz waves. Most common in sleep are alpha and theta, and d


I've never realized what a good (albeit dated) movie Reality Bites is. I'm really enjoying watching it since the people in it are more depressed than I am. *Sigh* I've been kinda depressed for the past couple days, I'm not really sure why. I just know that all I want to do is watch movies or read books or draw or play piano, and that's what I like to do when I'm sad about something. I think I got it in my head yesterday that Andrew was going back to California and leaving me here by myself, and for some reason I can't get that out of my head. He's having a few problems with scheduling classes at RIT right now so really that was just a last resort, but just thinking about it makes me cry. I kind of talked to him about it last night and he said "that probably won't happen" but probably still means that it could. Anyway I'm guessing that's my problem, it wouldn't even happen for a long time if it does AT ALL so I don't kno

a little philosophy for thought

So I believe that everything happens for a reason. I also believe in some form of karma, or if you do something good you'll get something good in return. I'm officially Catholic, but almost completely non-practicing. I believe in God, I believe in evolution. Now that that is out of the way....I was wondering, am I the type of person with an external locus of control? (psyc people will know what I'm talking about here) I really pride myself on my independence in life, but I depend on things like fate to get me through life. Well I guess I can't really "depend" on fate, but it seems like that is what I do sometimes. Let's say my car completely broke down, totally unfixable (not too far from the truth as of right now). I wouldn't wallow around in pity and say I don't have money for a new car or how am I gonna get to work or blah blah, I'd just say "it'll get better" and I'll do what I can do make it happen. Now this may just make

It's been a year already....

This one's for you, sexy. There's something that I can't quite explain I'm so in love with you You'll never take that away And if I've said a hundred times before Expect a thousand more You'll never take that away Well expect me to be Calling you to see If you're okay when I'm not around, Asking if you love me I love the way you make it sound Calling you to see Do I too hard to make you smile, To make us smile... I will keep calling you to see If you're sleeping or you're dreaming If you're dreaming, are you dreaming of me? I can't believe you actually picked me I thought that the world had lost its sway (It's so hard sometimes) Then I fell in love with you (Then came you) And you took that away (It's not so difficult, the world is not so difficult) You take away the old, show me the new And I feel like I can fly when I stand next to you So while I'm on this phone A hundred miles from home I'll take the words you gave

California, Part 3: Southern CA

So it's taken me forever to finish talking about this trip...sorry, this is the last post about it, I swear. (Well at least for another year) So after spending time at Andrew's mom's house we rented ourselves a 2005 Pontiac Vibe and made our way through the Sierra Madres (I think...) down to Orange County. The drive from Fresno was about 4.5 hours, from San Jose it would have been about 6. Andrew drove the whole way down, because I was afraid to drive through L.A. It was a pretty drive for the most part though, I snapped a picture out the window while we were on the road: So we got to Aliso Viejo where Kristen (Andrew's sister) and Rick live at around 9 on friday, got a tour of their immaculate apartment, and just kinda talked and went to bed. We made plans to get up early the next morning and go to.... Disneyland! Anaheim was about 15 minutes away from their place and I'd never been to a Disney-anything, so we made a day of it. We went on some pretty cool rides,