
Showing posts from December, 2004

I'm back

So I went to Geneva for a week. I just got back to Rochester today, and was whisked off to various food and drink places with Doug and Cindy. Now I am home, alone, drunk, and sad. A great way to start a blog entry, eh? Well I really should be polite to the holidays and talk about Christmas before I get into today's happenings. The day before the night before Christmas Okay so it was the night before the night before Christmas, but there's a song with that title so I always say it like that....nevermind. I exchanged gifts with Joe and Sue. I had told Joe specifically to get me Aqua Teen volume 3 so he got it for me (And my FAVORITE episode is on there!!!!) Sue got me an awesome sweater and movie book of answers and earrings, and made me and Joe cool little lights. I think it was way too much but they were all really cool so I shouldn't complain. I told Sue I wasn't gonna get her a present but I still got her a pack of playing cards and a relationship die

California has kidnapped my boyfriend

Speaking of California....I wish I was there right now, since it's like negative 2 degrees here in lovely Rochester. Grrrr. Anyway, yes I am living without Andrew until a random point in January. Yay. At least I get Christmas and New Years to take my mind off of it. From a non-selfish standpoint, I'm happy he went. My mom would be ecstatic if I was away for 6 months and then came back, especially to be there for xmas and my birthday, and I know his brother and sisters wanted him to be there. So other than that, I've had a very busy couple of days. After I got back from Geneva this past weekend, Andrew and I went back for Sue's birthday and had a fun time bowling and drinking. (I bowled a 163, wooooooo) After a quick trip to the dentist, we went back to Rochester and I dropped him off at home while I went to work for about an hour, then got to hang out with Doug (and Mike, who NEVER hangs out). We went to Mex and I had flan, then hung out at Cindy's for

One night in Geneva...

Before I forget, I have to just run down what happened saturday night. Since I will basically have no time to post from now til saturday I'm gonna have to do it now. So saturday I was supposed to go home to have an Xmas party at my grandma Minnie's house, however she was kinda sick and cancelled it. Kinda sad since I love going there every year and seeing relatives, but whatever. So I went home for ANOTHER of my grandfather's masses and like always went out to dinner afterwards. Lauren and Paul, who sometimes go to church and dinner, weren't there because Paul had a semi-formal at school and Lauren had to be there b/c she's a teacher at his school. So anyway after dinner and after Sue and Joe got out of work, we went to Joe's and drank beer out of straws and played the card game "Golf" which I like and don't play too often. I was thirsty that night and drinking quite a bit, so by the time we got to the bars I was pretty drunk. We wer

The wonderful world of HBO

I'd like to take this time to point out that HBO is amazing. Its array of films could be better, but right now I'm talking about its original programming. I don't get to watch tv all that often, but when I do I like to see what's on HBO. Every time I see a tv show on that channel and watch it, even if it's in the middle of season 6 of the show, I end up loving it. Some of my favorites: 1. Sex and the City. Okay so this show is probably every girl and gay guy's favorite on HBO but it's for good reason. It is extremely well written, and they take sexual orientation lightly, which I like. I think Miranda and Samantha were both randomly lesbians for a little while then ended up stopping. The show is simply amazing, the weed episode being my current favorite. Sample lines: Samantha: One time I fucked a guy because he had a swimming pool. I came over and he used to bring me Kool-Aid. Carrie: Kool-Aid? Samantha: I was thirteen. Ca


Some contemplations: 1: I never realized how much I love Bugaboo Creek. I have never had anything bad there, even stuff I think will be bad is amazing, and the Maui Moose Juice is the only mixed drink I will drink, anywhere. I just wish the restaurant had a cooler name. 2: One night working overnight: no problem. Two nights working overnight: horrendously tired. What's the remedy? Caffeine! My favorite caffinated beverage is tea, but if I can't get that I enjoy some coffee-ish substances, including gas station vanilla cappuchinos. Those are my favorite and I stopped tonight to get one before work b/c I was absolutely dead. It turns out that the little sign I ignored near the vanilla cappuchino button that says "nilla wafer" is true. It tasted like a fucking liquid cookie. I am awake as hell now but I'm not sure if it's the caffeine or all the sugar in that damn stuff. Note to self: do not stop at Mobile on 15 to get cappuchinos. 3: Read the

Happenstance, Romance, and Gramps

Okay, another overnight, another blogging. I really don't think these overnight blogging sessions are such good ideas, since the first time I only talked about video games and the second time I only talked about Andrew. Let's see what I talk about tonight. First of all, I can barely hold my arms up on this counter to type because my arm muscles are so incredibly tired. I have a new "personal trainer" who will go unnamed and that is the reason why my arms are devoid of energy at this point. So I FINALLY got to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I'd been wanting to watch it forever, it was on the list with Donnie Darko (which I saw a few months ago). After Eternal Sunshine ended I was like "...strange...." but it was intriguing. Also romantic, but not in a blatantly obvious sort of way, which I like. It made me want to dye my hair bright pink or red, however I think Michael would freak out and fire me or something. Jim Carrey...such