
Showing posts from August, 2003
Hi, remember me? I'm Erica, the proprieter of this blog. I've been extremely busy as of late, and now that it's friday, things are finally starting to slow down. I've already had one assignment due, and my internship stuff is slightly hectic as well. I've also been getting no sleep b/c, since I am back at school now, everything is so different and strange, I have to get used to things. Of course it didn't help that Pat came over drunk at 2 in the morning last night when I had to wake up at 7:30, and he was slightly incoherent and in the words of Maura "bullyish" so he didn't make it very easy for me to fall back to sleep. So now I'm overtired and I know that because I'm into using a strange way of writing in this blog. The week went by pretty quickly, seeing freshman is still really weird, b/c they look about 12. I met 2 freshman guys randomly as they were walking by my townhouse and started talking to them, and I could tel
Okay I've actually done a psychological examination of myself (one of the perks of being a psyc major) and figured out a few things. I'll share them, since this is the first time I'm going through this, and it's better to get things that you feel out in the open. So a couple posts ago I thought I was going crazy b/c of the Martha's Vineyard trip, when in fact, the trip actually just let me act out the subconcious feelings I was having in the meantime. I'll try to clarify (oh and this has nothing to do with my relationship, that's going fine). During the time I was at Martha's Vineyard, I was having fun drinking and partying every night, like normal people my age would do on vacation, but then there was the whole Kevin fiasco. I can't believe I even let myself get into that situation in the first place, and I think that might have something to do with it. Also, the saturday that I got so drunk that I threw up...I haven't thrown up in a y
Counting Crows and John Mayer concert.....very interesting. I had a great time, and it was my first drunken concert experience, even though I wasn't that drunken...or at least not as drunk as Emily and Heather and their other friends. It was still a really good time though. Angela was a good sport when I was hanging around with Emily and her alcohol though, she's a good kid. Aaaaand.......only 161 dollars for my books this semester!!!! (of course I only have 3 classes but STILL) Oh and case some of you read this and not Joe's blog, he got a new car yesterday. An XTerra, AWESOME car. I'm excited to ride around in it, for at least a week anyway.
"And when everybody loves me/I'll be just as happy as I can be" That song basically typifies how I feel about myself as of this moment. Joe put it another way in his profile, a little more harsh but probably just as true. Not sure what I'm talking about? I'm not really either. All I know is that my recent trip to Martha's Vineyard has me all screwed up in the head. I'll tell about the events that took place, and then maybe go into how restless I am now as a result. Joe and I left thursday morning at 8 and finally arrived to the island at about 5. We went out to dinner with Sue at The Wharf, had some good drinks and then went to meet some of her recently acquired Scottish friends. We hung out with them for awhile and then met Vicky (from Scotland of course) at David Ryan's, a bar. We talked to her, drank, ate some breakfast at 12:30 at night (bars close at 12 there) and then went to Sue's house in Edgartown. The next day we got up