
Showing posts from January, 2003
So what's up with me never writing in this thing? Sorry, things are a little hectic with this first week of school and everything. I'm running out of money faster than a whore goes through STDs....woah did I just say you can tell I'm a LITTLE tired also right now which is another reason why I shouldn't be trying to type in any entries about stuff. I'll probably just be like "blah blah blah I love Pat blah blah" even though that's probably what it looks like I type all the time to the outside world. Woooooooooooookay a little more sleep for Erica. I'll write a nice normal entry tomorrow....or at least try.
All right so my home computer decided to quit on me when I was gonna update this thing and I never got to so I'm way behind. I'll try to remember stuff that's happened but I'm not promising anything. Well actually the only interesting thing that happened in the time that my computer was broken was that I went to Nazareth Friday night with Joe to visit Angie and her suitemates. Joe had bought the Chicago soundtrack and we listened to it on the way up. I really want to see that movie now. Pretty soon after we got there we went out to dinner. We went to this really cool pizza place in Pittsford. I don't remember the name of it but it had all this different pizza that I'd never knew existed. There was even macaroni and cheese pizza, which Angie and her suitemate Jenna love. I ate some potato skin pizza which had cheese and bacon on it, of course. I also had the best salad of my entire life. So I was having a good time already. We went to wegmans to
Last night I went to my grandparent's house for dinner (my dad's parents this time) to celebrate my mom's b-day. My aunt and uncle were there too, and as always they had to mention Jesus 3875 times. My dad's family is highly Born Again and I'm glad they don't look down on us people that don't revolve our lives totally around our religion, but they still say things that make me a little mad. My roommate is Born Again too, I have nothing against them, but sometimes they can be the most closed minded people, it's frustrating. My aunt was talking to me forever about Lord of the Rings and how spectacular it is, then when I mentioned that I read the Harry Potter books a dark look came over her face. "Oh I don't get into Harry Potter, that sorcery stuff isn't for me." I'm sorry but who do you think Gandolf and Saruman are in Lord of the Rings? Oh well, it's not a big deal I guess. After that dinner I went to Joe's to wa
Where are we here.....hmmm....... Let's start with Patrick's birthday. I didn't exactly see him on his b-day but I had a fun time picking up Angie at the airport that day. Well I did technically see him b/c he came over on Jan 7th to just hang out and stayed til midnight so I could wish him a happy 21st. But anyway wednesday I was kinda nervous to drive to the airport by myself b/c I never have and I thought the weather might be bad. But everything went perfectly...I got to the airport a little early and her plane got in a little early. Then we drove to pick up her car at Naz and had a fun time cleaning a month's worth of snow off of it with brooms and brushes. She wanted to take me out to lunch for picking her up (isn't she awesome?) and she picked a cute little place which I forget the name of at the moment. Then we just drove back to Geneva and visited Joe and Sue. (Sue had her wisdom teeth removed that morning and was in need of supportive visitors). W
I have a lot to catch up on and I haven't been online in forever because Angie has been here and I've been pretty damn busy but don't worry all you bored people that just love to read about me....I'll be writing a shit load of info soon
Happy Birthday Pat!!! You're now a mature 21 year old (ha).
And now for my breakdown of weekend events.... Friday we went to the bars. BIG SURPISE. I didnt' get too drunk but I still don't really remember much about that night. Probably b/c it was slightly boring, not many people were out and not too much happened. I ended up getting a ride home from Joe's mom at 2 in the morning though....I feel a little bad about that since he lives 2 minutes from the bars and I live 10 minutes from there. Saturday was more fun for me. It probably wasn't for anyone else, but I had fun. Well at first there was the wegmans xmas party at Kiwanis in canadaigua. Joe brought me as his guest b/c obviously I don't work at wegmans. Sue, steph, and stacey were all there too which was cool, especially b/c Joe decided to leave me and go sit with the COOLER people at the accounting table. So we ate a little dinner (and I really mean a little dinner b/c I did not enjoy the food at all) and they gave away random prizes to employees. My
Happy New Year! Actually happy january 2nd...or 3rd if you want to get technical. For New Year's Eve I went to Auburn this year. Last year I went to Chad's cottage in canadaigua and that was an all night crazy fiasco. I was happy that this year I actually had someone to kiss at midnight. I've never had a boyfriend in the winter before (it's kinda odd really) so this Christmas and New Year not being single is really different for me. I like it. So anyway, I went to Pat's house first. Then we picked up Seamus (his best friend) and went to his girlfriend Cassie's house so they all could do a little pregaming before I took them to the party. (I didn't want to drink then anyway, I would never make it to midnight) So we hung out there for a little while and then went to J.T.'s house. It was a good sized party, and mostly all Pat's friends were there. I actually drank wine for most of the night instead of beer for a change. It was this g