A Summation of the State of Arizona

From March 20th-25th I traveled all around the great southwestern state of Arizona. The weather fluctuated from 65 to 80 degrees, compared to 30 in Rochester, and I got to see lots and lots of cacti, never mind the GRAND CANYON!

One of my best friends from college, Sara, moved to Tucson a couple years ago and wanted visitors. Angela and I decided to help her out with that, and it was a great time. The lowlight was my constant runny nose (I had to walk around the Grand Canyon with a roll of toilet paper in my pocket), but there were many highlights, including my wonderful new Mexican friends Adrien and Saoul (Sa-OOL) who declared their undying love for me whilst following me around Nogales. It was quite the adventure. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

This was my view on the drive from Phoenix to The Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon, baby:

Silly Sara, always falling off cliffs....

Angela is very homicidal

This is my "Where's Waldo" picture

Sooo it seems as if I am holding a scythe and Angela is giving birth....weird

Sedona, the land of red rocks and strange vortexes:

Fun in Trail Dust Town:
I'm not so good at playing a sad bearded man with a donkey

Is it me or is it bright out?

Sara is the saddest little Korean..err...Indian girl!


Tell me this is not the cutest plant resembling a South American Old Man you've ever seen

At the Botanical Gardens with plants and....butterflies:

A view of the city of Tucson from the top

Biggest cactus EVER

I would like to attend mass here

My new friend Adrien, who sold me a poncho for 50% off (I think he was drunk). He did actually let me practice my Spanish on him though, which was nice

Adventures in a Mexican border town (Saoul has the camera)

And this picture is just for The Cheesus to drool over:


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