Everybody's Changing and I Don't Feel the Same

Sorry folks, my life is going to be a giant rollercoaster until July. After that, things should be calmed down enough for me to write more frequently.

I haven't announced yet that I have a new job! Mike and I went down to NYC the first week of April. I had three interviews, and at my first interview (New York Methodist) they offered me a job! That confused me a bit, so I decided to wait a few days until after my other interviews to see if I actually wanted to take the NYM offer. Well to make a long story short, NYM turned out to be the best place for me to take a job. It's in the exact neighborhood where we want to live in Brooklyn, I only have to work 3 days a week (although I have to work 7pm-7am), and I get a ton of awesome benefits. Plus I'm making NYC standard money, which means a hell of a lot more than I make at my current job.

So as of the first week of June, I will be working and living in Brooklyn, NY. Scary! The only thing left to do is find an apartment. Apartments for June JUST started becoming available, so hopefully we'll have enough time to run down quickly in May to see some and grab one up. I'm a bit stressed about that, but it's much less stressful than finding a new job, so everything will be okay eventually.

I've wanted to live in NYC since high school, so now that it's getting extremely close, I'm getting very excited. I plan on watching a bunch of NYC themed movies/tv shows before we go to commemorate the occasion. Maybe a bunch of Woody Allen films, Sex and the City, When Harry Met Sally, anything that shows the beauty of the city.

I finished my 20 movie marathon from February. FINALLY. I just watched The Barefoot Contessa and All About Eve, both written and directed by Joseph Mankiewicz. Awhile ago I watched Sleuth, which was also directed by Joseph. I decided that I really enjoy him as a director after watching all of the films. He injects a little noir, wit, and comedy into scenes that most directors would leave alone, and it works wonderfully. I even liked Humphrey Bogart in The Barefoot Contessa, and I really really do not look forward to seeing him on a screen. I'll have to look into more of his films.

Speaking of great directors, I saw Eraserhead at work a little while ago. It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of David Lynch, even if many people I know think he's "pretentious" and whatnot. I don't think that it's a director's job to placate the people, to churn out the same blueprint of film after film. Why not make a film that could be a character's dream? There are no rules for film, look at French Surrealism. I like Lynch because he has an artist's trained eye for composition. He can make any scene beautiful, even if it involves a mutant baby. His films get to people, and that is the point of a film. To get under someone's skin. I think maybe people feel this inherent need to be able to figure out a film, and if they can't, they feel inadequate. I won't say more, because I happen to be marrying a Lynch hater. I just wish I could change his mind.

I'll write more later. I'm actually gonna go swimming tonight for the first time since September!


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