My New Best Friend

Is Pam Beasley aka Jenna Fischer. I'm currently obsessed with her, and I'm not sure why. There is no sexual attraction or anything, I literally want to be her best friend. I found her page (her REAL page) on myspace and it's so cute, she acts like she's not famous or anything. Her tagline is "Best Emmy's Ever!" and she's got most of her costars in her top 8, many of whom have her as their number one friend, prooving that she's awesome.

So as you can probably guess, I've been watching a bit of The Office lately. Season 2 just came out, and I'm watching every bonus feature that exists on the 4 dvds. I'm almost on the Blooper Reel, which I'm very excited about. If you watch the commentaries for the episodes, they all act like they're such good friends in real life, especially Jenna and John (who plays Jim) and I find it to be the cutest thing ever.

This butting-into-actors-lives thing is not new to me. Since I was in 8th grade I was stalking celebrities. When I got sick of one I moved on to the next. I would find out everything about their lives or their bodies of work and just let it all sink in. I still know Kevin Spacey and Hugh Jackman's birthdays, for Christ's sake. So that is what is happening with, apparently, the entire cast of The Office. I love them, all of them. Every single cast member on the show is amazing. And I will love them until my obsession ceases. For now I will be content to think of myself as Pam/Jenna's 41 thousand something-ith friend on myspace.


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