Silence is Golden

So I can talk. Maybe not as eloquently as I type, but I have no trouble striking up conversations with people. However, talking is not the same as expressing emotions through words, which I have a very hard time doing. I feel like it's very hard for me to say how I feel to people, for fear of getting put down, and sometimes, for fear of hurting others' feelings.

Now when Andrew and I were in the process of our horrendously emotional breakup, I was crying a lot, but not saying much at all. So Andrew was confused and tried to get me to emote by constantly asking me how I was feeling, which wasn't helping the matter at all. Well Andrew has just broken up with the girl he went out with after me (BEFORE I started dating Mike, I may add). She's very hurt and keeps wondering what things she could have done to change how he felt and why he didn't tell her much of a reason why he didn't want to be with her.

This makes me feel guilty for never telling Andrew anything about why I wanted to leave him. He figures that it's all Mike's fault, but the fact is, even if I hadn't started talking to Mike I would have left the relationship. Mike just showed me that I could actually have what I really wanted in a person.

Every time I meet a guy they always say what they "require" for a relationship. I've always had traits that I would have liked to have, but I guess in some odd way I didn't think I deserved a person with everything I've ever wanted. They would be "too cool" for me, and I know I have a large ego about guys wanting me, but relationship-wise, my ego is completely different.

So besides the usual good looking thing, personality-wise I've always admired guys who feel at ease socially, who can make jokes that are actually funny, who are responsible, who are polite to people they don't know AND people they know, and who actually TALK to people they don't know. But I also like guys who are intelligent but not overly pompously intelligent. Extroversion, intellegence, and open-mindedness (did I mention open-mindedness?) all together in one well-adjusted person usually doesn't exist.

So I've settled for some qualities and not others. My past boyfriends have been great in some ways, but as time went on the traits I didn't like became too much to deal with, and I would start looking elsewhere.

I know I'm still in the "honeymoon stage", where LITERALLY my brain can't recognize the bad qualities in my boyfriend (it's an actual thing brains do when you're in love) so I'm not gonna fool myself and try to fool others into thinking Mike is perfect. He's not perfect and I know it. But I'm hoping, really hoping, that he's perfect for ME. That finally my feelings won't just vanish one day into thin air and I'll be left starting from scratch, again. Of course this is besides the fact that he could break up with me as well, which I prefer not to think about.

Sue says that I've cried wolf a bunch of times, and I think she's sick of being excited for me and my new relationships. (yes, I am a serial monogomist) But I can't just hold myself back, or I'll be stuck in limbo, dating guys but never getting too close, and eventually I'll just be alone forever. So when I really like someone, I fall. Besides, when else can I say I stalked someone and it actually worked out?

So I guess in the beginning, before I just started typing everything that ever came into my head, I was trying to say that I didn't want to be with Andrew anymore because he didn't have much of a social life, he depended on me for a lot of things (which freaks me out to no end), I can't even begin to describe how I get annoyed by his kitchen and bathroom habits. And he just...wasn't who I really wanted. I never said any of this to him, for fear of hurting his feelings. But I feel like I have to put it out where there is a small chance of him reading it, mostly to make myself feel better.

Sorry, watching How I Met Your Mother and Grey's Anatomy got me into a mood I can't get out of. But I'm done now, don't worry.

Love is a very tricky thing, folks.


Anonymous said…
Very nice. Yeah, I'm not perfect, and its very wise to look far enough ahead to anticipate the point when you'll start noticing my faults. What can I say, though? I care for you so much, and I don't really care when that time comes, we get along so well together and I feel so equal with you its amazing. I've NEVER been able to spend so much time with someone without going nuts, and yet when we're not together I find myself thinking about you a lot. You really were what I was lookign for but didn't realize it...

Oh, and thanks, all those things you said were very sweet :-) I don't think you have all that much trouble expressing yourself emotionally to me, just so ya know, all your blushing aside ;-P And in all honesty, I feel more for you the longer I know you, which is nuts! I think we'll be just fine...
Erica said…
Best comment ever.

However, expect backlash from the peanut gallery.

Seriously though, best comment ever.

Anonymous said…
I just wanted to say thank you for your graciousness in allowing me into your home and even the small bit of your life.
I have wanted to apologize for the way that I left the last night I was at your apartment.
I don't want you to think that I ever thought poorly of you or of the situation. I hope that my presence didn't bother you too much.
And also, thank you for the things you wrote on this blog. I think they are things that needed to be said and I appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
Good luck in your new apartment and all other things that are yet to come.
Take care,
Anonymous said…
Your post does not offend me however; a due bit of clarity should be handed out as you present me as some sort of social predator.

I never depended on you for a social life, as your post alludes. I just simply liked hanging out with you. It is true that I did hang out with your friends a lot, but it was only due to the coincidence that I wanted to hang out with you and your friends just happened to be there as well at your request. If anything, it could easily be construed as a simple mistake of perception. I am sorry you felt this way, it was never my intention.

I am not a person who needs groups of friends to hand out with nor do I need to be socially amused by others. I have never felt the need to exploit another’s social connections to fill the absence of my own, as that absence does not exist.

As you commented to me in person, seconds before this post, if you feel that I depended on you in any other way and feel you deserve monetary retribution, then say so. I will not lie, you did help me out financially when we both moved in together and will always be grateful for that. However, I told you my feelings on accepting your help at that time and you assured me it was only out of love. If you look back on those actions with spite and wish to spew venom in my general direction, I again ask, as I have said before, for you only to say it to my face. You always seem to leave out details and imply so much more than what you actually mean here.


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