5 points of interest in my life as of today

Oh yes, I still have a blog! Although I'm thinking of changing the layout, since for some reason this layout took away my use of different fonts and colors. It's probably about time for a new layout anyhow. We'll see.

I don't feel like writing a lot, so here's the news for the day:

1: When a guy you've never met comes up to you and says "My girl would cry if she saw you" and then nothing else, what should you respond with? I believe I did the right thing by hesitating and looking quizzical. He then explained that she would envy my flat stomach because she's pregnant. Weird thing to say to a stranger. I proceeded to see about 5 pregnant girls in the hospital after that, I guess popping out kids is the popular thing to do these days.

2: I am moving, very soon. I'm half-packed. Mike is waiting on the edge of his seat. My mom is disappointed, since she now can't drive herself to my apartment. Andrew needs to get a move on with his packing. Joe thinks I'm going on vacation as opposed to moving out. He's in denial because he wants to have sex with Andrew. Sjene is very excited, and has been packed since March.

3: I think I have a blood clotting disorder. I can't give blood, and I just got kicked out of a research study because my hemoglobin levels were lower than the lowest cut-off. I also bruise if someone pokes me lightly. There is overwhelming evidence (more than what I described) that points to me either having an anemia problem or some sort of disease like Van Willebrand's. I'm gonna go get blood tests to find out, since apparently I can hemorrhage after giving birth, which just sounds very unpleasant. (not that I plan on it anytime soon)

4: The Grey's Anatomy season finale was one of the best tv finales ever in existence. Also, I dled my favorite anime, Trigun, because Vash the Stampede and Woolfwood are sexy. I finished Battlestar Galactica, and am now waiting for the new season to start up.

5: In other geeky news, I am playing Lumines for PSP (not my system, I'm borrowing) and I've almost beat Mike's high score. He can get his system back when I do that. I am super excited for the non-expensive DS to come out because the new Mario game looks sooo cool. And I am also playing The Longest Journey on the computer. I have a lot to do in the 5 days that I won't have cable/internet after I move.

That's a brief synopsis of my life right this second. I know, I didn't mention Mike 48623 times. I am patiently waiting for his after-work phone call, hoping he won't be too tired to have me over, because I miss him after only one night apart. And that shmaltzy sentence just made up for all the times I could have said his name but didn't.

I'm out, time to play more games.


Anonymous said…
What, only 48,623 times? You're slipping... Oh, and I believe its "schmaltzy." I only point this out because, after being mistaken for being Jewish so many times in the Upper West Side, I am now an honorary member of the Yiddish Club ;-) And don't think it isn't a turn-on that you're holding my PSP hostage until you "beat" my "high score." ;-P
Susan Osborne said…
some comments from the peanut gallery:

Number 1 is not interesting - just self-indulgent... yes Erica you have a flat stomache.... we don't need to know everytime some tells you you do.

Number 2 is actually interesting and I wish you much luck in your new home! At least Mike can visit!

Number 3 is passable as interesting... I hope you do not have blood clots because I love you.

Number 4 is interesting until you mention anime and Battlestar.

Number 5 is not interesting at all!!! (to non-nerds such as myself)

I'm just commmenting because when you say 5 points of interest in my life you better mean it! lol
Sophia said…
I hate you and your stomache

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