I'm Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!

So my body is fucked up lately, first of all. I'm eating everything I can get my hands on and I am never full, and at the same time I'm not getting tired before I need to go to sleep at night. Two very odd things for me. However, since I am on my first of 3 overnights in a row, the non-sleeping thing is a good thing. The eating thing is just....weird. And again, no, I am not pregnant. Anywhoo, I just ate two pieces of pizza from a very nice subject who brought in two whole pizzas for everyone, and then in our thousands of miniature plastic commercial bowls of corn flakes I found some cocoa puffs. Weeeee!! That's how I felt. Now they're half gone and they still make me happy.

So other then going on a food frenzy, I happened to lock myself out of the lab tonight. Yep, I knew it would happen at some point. Usually we unlock one of the outside doors in case we need to go in the offices or the bathroom out in the hall....well nobody had unlocked the one door that we keep unlocked and I had closed the other door so yep, I was locked out. Three, count em three sleeping subjects and Erica can't get to them. So I hurriedly ran upstairs to find a security guard, and of course, they're all over when you don't need them but nowhere when you do. So I found an in-house phone and called security. They had a guard down at the lab within minutes and I was back in. However, I still felt really stupid. Luckily nobody woke up and needed the bathroom in the meantime.

Soooo what I was gonna talk about the last time....first the Cosby Show. When I was working all days last week, I took my lunch around the same time every day, right when the Cosby Show is on. So I watched it, every day last week. I've always known it was a funny show, but for some reason last week it was amazing to me. I don't get it with me sometimes. I'll get in and out of moods for things for no reason at all. But back in my ole college days my suitemates would watch random old tv series' every day. One year it was Saved By the Bell, a few years it was Home Improvement, Full House, etc. I liked to boycott things that my suitemates did as a group. I'm not sure why exactly, but I knew I was doing it and I guess with me being on the passive side, it felt good to stand up for something, no matter how meaningless. So they used to buy the newspaper in cycles and I would refuse to buy it ever, saying I would never read it. And then I made it a point to never read the paper. But mostly I just liked saying that I was taking no part in the paper buying process. It was the same thing for the tv shows. It got so bad that I started actively hating Home Improvement and Full House because they were on so much in our place. The Cosby Show was one of their other favorites, I believe this was sophomore year. So I boycotted that most of the time. But now I love it. It's just weird to me how people can act and usually with little reason. But I guess that's why I'm in the field I'm in. (Psychology, not sleep research).

But then there are some things about college that I really really miss. I was listening to cds at work while I was doing the most monotonous task ever, scoring records, and my mind wanders constantly while doing that. So I was listening to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack and thinking of how much my roommates and I loved that film when it came out, and how we played the songs over and over and sang and watched Maura dance to them. Then I thought, AGAIN, of how much fun college was and how it's crazy that I'm even reminiscing already about it. High School keeps getting pushed further and further into my memory banks, and now college is going down that same road. It's scary and sad, but there are also a lot of new memories I can reminisce about in my head. My buddy Ben (old roommate Adam's Ben, not work Ben) left me a comment on myspace and I was thinking fondly about all the crazy shit Angela and I did with Adam and Ben 2 summers ago. (and of course the fun Ben and I had as well, like talking til 5am, breaking pencils, tickle fights, etc.) and it's weird that you meet these people, have a really fucking great time hanging out with them, and then poof they're out of your life. Some people who I thought I was losing as friends I've managed to hold on to, like Nene, who is an awesome friend and who I may live with soon.

I really have no idea where I was going with that, just that I try so hard to not grow up, and I can't even really see myself as a grown up. I think that's part of the reason I have such a hard time disciplining the techs, because they're my age or a bit younger (a few are older) and I have to be in charge of them. I don't want to be in charge of people, I don't want extra responsibility, I just wanna have fun and live my life happily and carefree. Mike's best friend Brian just got engaged to Alex, his girlfriend, and I think it's awesome for them. They're a super cute couple and so nice. But it's scary that so many people I know are settling down, settling into life. But then I think that even if I get married and have kids and dogs and plants and whatever, I don't have to go crazy with the growing up. I mean....my parents never fully grew up. And I turned out just fine!

Now's the part where Joe and Sue comment about my last sentence.

Shit I really need to end this so I can get stuff ready for when 2 of the subjects wake up at 6:30. So that's all from me folks.

Oh but listen to Dane Cook's "Retaliation", it's great fun.


Anonymous said…
You know what I totally don't remeber watching the Cosby show etc but I do remember you not wanting the paper :) I miss the good old Geneseo days too roomie :)
Erica said…
You know...I think you were mostly not into the whole watching tv thing, you had a lot of late classes or were doing homework or whatever. Perkins was the ringleader! (like always, haha)
Sophia said…
Lets never become grown ups! Lets drink and party and take birth control and be unmarried forever! I never want to get old.
Anonymous said…
yeah I don't remember the Cosby Show either, but I do know that I haven't watched Home Improvement or Full House in years because of overload at Geneseo...totally never noticed you never watched, though! However, I do recall a rather spirited rendition of Save the Last Dance... :) I miss it too--you don't realize how nice college is till you have to leave!

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