
The title is supposed to be pronounced "Hectisity" like "multiplicity" or "ethnicity". I doubt it's a real word, as always, but, as always, it works for my purposes.

So things in my life this week are hectic as hell. It's mostly work, but my birthday is coming up as is Mike's the day after mine, not to mention my brother's birthday 2 days before mine which is also Mike's meeting of the family day. (well the ones who weren't there to surprise him last week at work)

Then there's the small issue of finding a place to live for the next year. I've moved every single year since freshman year of college, why stop now when I'm on a roll? It'll be weird if I ever buy a house, I'll feel skittish or something. I think I'm living with Sjene but I'm not sure, and I may be living with Sue but I'm not sure about that either, so I want to look for places but I have no idea which to look for, and I feel like I'll just end up living by myself.

With work, I'm smack dab at the start of a sleep dep run, which lasts 5 funderful days. I have to make sure the techs ('specially the new techs) know what they're doing, and I have to make sure the old techs are still doing everything okay. I've reprimanded people twice in two weeks, which I've never done in my life, and I don't want to become that person, that adult person, but I can't go around doing everyone's work, it takes its toll.

Add that to the fact that I'm taking supervisory classes every week or two, I'm supposed to be reading up on pediatric brains for our child study and then actually hooking up child brains at another lab, I'm recruiting new techs and interviewed someone this week already, and I'm supposed to be working on an abstract (yeah right). Oh and I'm still working tech hours and expected to do my daytime tasks as well.

And I'm behind on scoring which Pat has luckily agreed to help me with on days, so that'll be nice.

Then there's the fact that on friday Mike's house is having a birthday party for about a thousand different people, including both him and I, and I'm trying to figure out which of my friends are able to attend, but either (a) my friends are avoiding me because I cried about it like a drunken baby or (b) my friends are way too busy to tell me what the hell is going on 2 DAYS FROM NOW.

So what's probably gonna happen is that they'll both bow out and I won't see any of my friends for my birthday (except perhaps Joe Petro), since my birthday is on a tuesday and I'm working the next weekend. Not that it'll matter that much, I'm turning 24 so it's kinda just like "eh". It's not like I'm a quarter of a century or anything......achemMikeachem. ;-)

So to give you some non-annoying news, I've been coerced into starting Battlestar Galactica, which after the initial coercement has turned into Erica can't get enough of the show. I watched the first season in 3 days plus the behind the scenes and some deleted scenes. The first season had quite the cliff hanger so I can't wait to see what happens in the next ones. It's a great show because they combine catastrophism with hope, faith, fate, denial, jealousy, distrust of others, everything that makes a show interesting. Plus love triangles and giant toasters. (not really) It's a very smart show, not as funny as Firefly, but with the storyline, it really can't be. And the actors are great.

Speaking of actors, my thespian boyfriend may have the lead in an indy film being shot in Rochester. His role would mainly consist of trying to win this girl he likes (named Erica, of all names) from her jerky boyfriend. He also would have to do a sex scene. Something I've never dealt with as a girlfriend, my boyfriend being with other women as a part of work duties. I don't think many people experience that, well outside of Hollywood, NYC, and male escort...land. I can deal with it and I'm not overly worried, (thank god for that ego of mine) but it's just very strange.

Well sorry for not rambling oddly at 5 am like the last post, but I feel pretty awake right now. Matt lovingly lent Andy and I "Shaun of the Dead" to watch earlier in the night which was amazing, like always. I'm pretty sure that film is right up there with the rest of my favorites. God such a great movie. Dark humor, I love it.

Okay NOW I'm starting to ramble, although not incoherently, just unnecessarily. So ta ta folks, arrevederci and au revoir.



Anonymous said…
25's half of 50, 50's half of 100, so when you think about it I'm amost turning 100 years old- Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Nice, punk, nice... and as for sex scenes, I told you, nothing clears the mind of amorous thoughts more than filming in front of a bunch of sweaty men under hot lights on-camera. Worry not ;-P Let's get some dinner tonight baby!
Susan Osborne said…
I find it extremely ironic that you would start a paragraph with "So to give you some non-annoying news" and go on to talk about Battlestar Galactica. That is the most annoying thing you could talk about.

Stop the pity party too! Joe and I are coming to your party, but we aren't staying long - I work in that AM.

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