Mental Centaurs

So let me start out by saying that the current theory among REM sleep researchers is that REM takes things in our memory dating back to up to a week before the sleep occurs, and consolidates the memories from short term to long term memory. This happens seemingly randomly, which is why you can recognize parts of your dreams as things that have occurred in real life but then some parts you don't remember. It could be the tiniest little detail that got put into your subconscious and gets made into a full blown dream later on.

Anyway so I was gonna wake up at 8 this morning, but was a little tired so decided to sleep til 8:30. This dream occurred between about 8:10 and 8:30 and let me just say....I thought my creative side was gone....the dream proves me wrong.

So first it starts out randomly with this guy coming to my apartment to see some other guy (not Andrew) that I lived with as a roommate (totally nonsexual). He had bangs but a shaved head and at the very back of his head he had hair again. I kept wanting to take a picture of him because I was convinced that Andrew would love to get his hair cut like that (which in real life he would never do) but the kid just wanted to take a shower so I left him alone.

The scene changed and my brother was a little baby that we called "papa". It was Christmas time and he had a fake beard/hat combo on him and we were at my grandparent's house. I kept calling "PAPA" out to him til he came to me, then I showed him a paper I had in my hand that had a tv schedule on it. He pointed to a show called "Mental Centaurs" and I all of a sudden remembered watching it when I was really little and being scared. I even mentioned watching "Heavy Metal" which I really did watch when I was about 7 and got scared of.

So the scene changed a little and "Mental Centaurs" was on. I was watching it but I couldn't see the tv or anything, it was like I was just watching my own dream. First these helicopters come and drop a bunch of people in this snowy, icy place way up high. It was like Cliffhanger with the huge drops but instead of mountains, there were these flat areas way up high. Then I see all these angry tigers running around in different areas. The camera panned to one tiger that growled menacingly and jumped, trying to jump on a person but fell down into one of the holes to his death. It even showed the tiger hit the ground, growl softly, and die. Then we went back up to where the people were and we see presumably the guys that set up this whole thing all jump down to their deaths at one time.

So at this point I realized that the point of the movie was that these guys take a group of people, bring them out to this barren wilderness, release tigers, and see who can use their heads to get out of there alive. After I realized what was going on, a narrator came on and said "And there's always THIS to watch out for" and immediately we see one of the people running too fast, slip on the ice, and fall to his death.

So then our main protogonists of the film come up into the camera. They're on higher ground than the others and I see them very clearly. There is one strong looking guy, very tall with a big parka and hat on. He had a long but small head, he was bald but he had a really long beard. Then there was a couple from England who both had blonde hair and blue eyes and were fairly attractive. They were dressed nicely and had a map. All three started talking, and my stupid alarm went off.

Now some of the parts of the dream I recognize. I went to a birthday party for a 2 year old yesterday and got her a Christmas dress, so there's the little baby part. I was also taking pictures of my cousins and everyone was comparing me to my mom, who takes way too many pictures so there's another part. And the ONLY thing I can say about "Mental Centaurs" is that maybe it was playing off the "Narnia" trailer I saw at the movies on friday night?? But it's so weird, I could see the people so clearly and they didn't remind me of any people I've ever known.

If every part of a dream comes from a memory, how can I just make up people that don't exist and know EXACTLY what they look like? It was so vivid that I could draw a picture or point them out in a line-up. Maybe they're composites of people I know or have seen, but that is just weird to me, that I can bring people that dont' exist, into existence.

Well thanks for the indulgement, I have over 300 of my dreams written down in journals and this one was seriously one of the most vivid and strange that I've had in awhile.


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