Some Philosophy for Thought (part 2)

So there's this guy that I went to high school with (and actually was interested in him for awhile...til I realized it was never gonna happen) and I've discovered him again on myspace. So this is what he wrote recently in his blog:

So what if life had "save" and "restore" points, just like a video
game? This way you could go back to a restore point and try again from there.
Things would be different! I imagine every guy, after losing his first sweetie,
would spend YEARS going back and trying to fix things.This is an exerpt from
Dinosaur Comics.

Interesting idea the T-Rex raises here. So here's the question - what
save point would you go back to? Post a reply, let's all have a frank discussion
about this.

Okay since I haven't talked to him in years I'm not going to post this stuff on his but I thought it would fit in well with the way I was going with things earlier.

This is what he wrote in a second entry:

So let's say you find yourself inhabiting the body of a younger you.
Sort of like just your mind or soul time traveled. It may seem like a boring
proposition at first, what with history repeating itself but wait, as time goes
on things will change. You cannot preform the exact same actions - and you will
undoubtably have a ripple effect on your immediate environment. Soon you will be
in situations you don't recognize.

My question is would you try to match your life up to e the same as it
is now? Even if this means going through the same crappy parts again? Would you
try and stay with a particular person? Or perhaps try to get the person you're
with now even sooner this time around? Fascinating...

So obviously I've thought of concepts similar to it before, and recently I've watched movies like The Butterfly Effect and Donnie Darko which highlight what happens when you go back and try to change things.

It's all very intriguing and (1) I'd never thought about it in terms of "save points" like in video games which just makes me want to play more video games and (2) it IS really interesting to think of what would happen if you made one little change in your life. I've already talked extensively about the chain of events leading to my current situation, but I hadn't really touched on the people that have affected my life in different ways.

If in middle school Allison hadn't made my life a living hell, took away my friends and made me see "unpopular" people as awesome people too I would still be a selfish bitch to people. (no cracks JOE) If I hadn't had two brothers and three boy neighbors to play with every day would I be more feminine? Would I be able to get along with guys as well and feel more comfortable around them than girls like I do now?

And even more interesting, what if someone wanted to go back and find a "one true love" they lost or whatever as he suggests? What if everyone could go back and do that? I'm sure that more than one person has been in love with another person at the same time. Who would win? Would it be a constant struggle of going back in time to grab that perfect person away from the clutches of the other person just like you? What if you were on the receiving end of the amorous duo and you didn't like either of them? Would you fix your life so that they wouldn't be in it?

There are more problems when you think of people going back to a certain point early on and living one life, then going back again and living a different life, and doing that over and over. You'd be immortal (assuming you went back to a young body and didn't have any fatal accidents) and you'd have a pretty damn long life.

I don't think anything good would ever come out of going back in time, however if I could I would hope to know not to be intimidated by others, whether older than me or seemingly more intelligent or popular. I'd also stay away from people like Angelo who probably will end up a serial killer and I'd do more acting. Other than that I've loved my life so far and can't wait to see what happens next! (blech what a nauseatingly happy last sentence but I'm too tired to change it)

Pat...(not ex Pat or work Pat, god there are too many Pats) if you read this sorry I stole your blog entry and ran too far with it, but I would appreciate any comments. Uh and from anyone else as well of course...


Erica said…
wow you really jumped on that one quick, and don't you ever go to bed?

thanks for the physics lesson too...but it would have been more interesting if you talked about the specific stuff you'd change

don't worry I still love you :-)
Anonymous said…
Hey thanks for the interest.

To be specific - I would go back to June this year. I wouldn't say there is any other change I would like to make in my life or that I ever felt there was at any point so far.
June though was a good month. Since then it's been pretty crappy. So I would go back and sell my car before it died. I would quit my job and register for college. (I'm going back in January) And I would get with this girl while I had the chance. (y'know people always say "dont rush things" but that's the worst advice ever.)

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