Happy (belated) Halloween!

When I was walking up the stairs
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today
I wish I wish he'd go away.

So that wonderful little rhyme is from Identity, which I made Andrew watch with me tonight. I did this because I knew it was a film he could never guess the outcome of, and though he tried in vain, he didn't get it. Then he blamed it on "5th man" syndrome. (a nonexistant syndrome that he invented which I can't explain without ruining shit for others) but I think he enjoyed it. And I love that film, although it may be just because of my psychologist point of view.

I've also watched a number of other Halloween-appropriate films over the past few days. These films were all watched AFTER I went to my friend Steph's wedding, which I have like 4 pics from, I guess I just wasn't in a picture taking mood. I must've also been in a fighting mood and I started 2 arguments with Andrew, putting Joe in the middle (sorry to both of you). I had a good time though and got to sit at a table alone with 5 guys. Ohhhh yeah. Well...one was my boyfriend, 2 others were my good friends' boyfriends, and one was gay but still...I was feelin pretty cool.

The wedding overall was great. The ceremony was at the Catholic church I had gone to pretty much every day when I was in grammar school at St. Stephen's AND high school at DeSales, and a bunch of people I went to school with for 12 years were there, so it felt like I was back in school again. The ceremony was a tad long, but the reception was great. There were 350 people there (2 Italian families of course, it IS Geneva) and the food was awesome. Andrew decided to drink a whole bottle of vino himself, however, so we left early because he was pretty cocked.

SO back to the movies.....I haven't watched all of them yet, but I DID watch:

Strangers on a Train---great plot, great visuals, a little campy, but still overall very good. In a remake I would cast Kevin Spacey in Robert Walker's role.

Rope---amazing film. Technically brilliant (the whole film was one continuous take), cast was great, storyline simple yet interesting. Loved it.

North By Northwest---oddly one of the funnier ones, love Cary Grant, story was okay but definitely entertaining

Frenzy---a good sexual deviant serial killer film, there can never be too many of those around. And Hitch even got a little naughty with the nudity!

Rebecca---simply amazing. No wonder it won Best Picture of 1940. I am now in love with Sir Laurence Olivier. (dont' worry I know that (A) he's gay and (B) he's dead. But what a great actor. Everyone should see this film.

Also a non-Hitchcockian movie I saw was Poltergeist. Not the greatest in technical achievements or storyline, but I bet if I was young I would have liked it more. It had some pretty creepy points and some good dialogue but it should have been fleshed out a little better.

Well there's your Halloween movie review....I still have a few more to see but I got greedy and watched the good ones first. So I doubt I'll be writing about the others.

Au Revoir for now....


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