A rant

Okay I am stuck in the lab for a few minutes before I leave because some maintenance guy just came to do trash and stuff, but I was surfing through threads on the IMDB forum and one of them just got me SO FUCKING PISSED. I was looking at the hit movies that are out now and I went to Hitch and one of the threads caught my eye. It was about homophobia in Hollywood and why there wasn't a male/male couple shown in the film.

Now granted, I don't care that there was no male/male or female/female stuff in the movie but what I DO care about is homosexuality in general. There were some posters on the forum that were just saying things like "Go find an island and move all your people there, that way you can reproduce and we won't have to deal with you" and similar stuff. WTF???!!! PEOPLE ARE SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING to me with this topic. **GRRRR** Who the hell cares if people are gay. Gay people are still people and they can love whomever they want. If they're not hurting anyone else then who gives a shit??! "well God hates gay people, it's not right" If you think that then I bet God hates YOU.

I just can't believe our society sometimes. I have to go but now I'm gonna be pissed off til I go to bed.


Sophia said…
I share your rant. People are stupid.
Anonymous said…
I disagree. I think people obviously aren't stupid or John Kerry would be President right now. Well, at least 54% of people in America aren't stupid. The vast majority of everyone else is stupid. Fucking morons.

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