Holidays and more holidays

Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone...I won't say happy turkey day because people (acchemcatharinedevlin) will get angry and say the day is for vegetarians too. And I don't want to offend anyone. Speaking of being offensive, the comments in my last posting got a little out of control, apparently there is a big disagreement over having responsibilities. Whatever I'm not getting into it, sorry if anyone was offended by the comments.

So Thanksgiving came and went. I was looking forward to the time off of work, which was cool for a little while, but now here I am again, working another overnight. I have 3 more this week, so I'll probably post again soon, you lucky people you. For Thanksgiving I went to my grandma's and brought Andrew along. In the 2 days he stayed at my parent's house, he was taught a little bit about playing the piano and ping pong, he learned that the 3 house animals and dust that my mom is not on top of makes my house a deathtrap for his asthmatic self, he also learned that BOTH of my brothers are drunks, he met Cody, Angelo, and Bill (kinda weird) along with a bunch of other people, and he got reaaaally drunk. So hopefully his first holiday with me was not too bad.

I went to the mall with my mom the day after, as per tradition in my house, and got a bunch of ideas for presents but didn't actually buy too many of them. I found a few online and I'll have to go back to the mall to get a few more. For some reason Andrew is all like "don't buy me presents!" but I think he thinks that I'm spending all this money or something when I'm really not spending too much at all. He also thinks I'm crazy for wanting to get him a birthday it a new thing where you don't buy loved ones birthday gifts anymore? Oh well I don't care he's getting one...or two. =)

So earlier tonight....or last night if you count 3 am as the next day, after spending all day on my computer trying to keep it from completely annoying me I went to see a movie with Andrew. We went to see "National Treasure". It was okay and I like Nic Cage waaaay more than I used to after his awesome acting job in "Matchstick Men" and "Adaptation". Also they filmed on location in Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia, and NYC. All the places they were showing, I'd been to (or walked by drunk in the case of philly). It was really cool and made me wish I could have seen them shooting the film or something. It wasn't a "WOW" movie, but if you're bored and like James Bond meets Indiana Jones films, go see it.

So now that Thanksgiving is over I've been listening to the radio stations that play Christmas music all the time. It's pretty cool but I wish I'd hear my favorite ones, Dominic the Donkey (The Italian Christmas Donkey) and Pepino the Italian Mouse. Oh wait I don't think Pepino is a Christmas song. Maybe that's why they don't play it. I still fully expect to hear Dominic the Donkey at some point on the radio before Christmas! I should call and request it.

So as you can see, I have fully run out of things to talk about. There are little tidbits of info I could share, like I watched Andrew play an entire game of the original The Legend of Zelda the other night. It only took him like 3 hours and I'd never gotten to Gannon before so it was really fun to watch. What mom bought me pajamas, a sherpa robe (REALLY FUCKING SOFT), Cranium, a purse, and an off white scarf/hat/glove set to match my red coat. Of course I don't get any of those til Christmas but it's still cool that I have them. I haven't really been working out lately. Of course I do drink less beer, hopefully it will all equal out. Or I'll just gain weight. In my ass. Because that is the only thing on me that will gain weight. Sometimes I wish my wrists would get a little beefier so I can wear bracelets without looking like an arm anorexic, but nooooo the ass is where it all goes. before I get any more wacked out over here I'm gonna get going. Some weirdo subject decided she wants to wake up at 5:15 this morning so maybe I'll go prepare for that.


Anonymous said…
....So did you even see any of your friends when you were in Geneva or were you too busy?
Susan Osborne said…
I was worried this whole week that your exciting run in with Zelda would get in your blog over seeing me, and I guess I was right to worry... Next time we hang out, I'll be sure to make you watch me play Sonic the Hedgehog from 1996 so I have a shot at being mentioned, lol. I had a great time seeing you! I hope despite your blog you realize Joe and I were out with you and Andrew too and had a good time with us!
Susan Osborne said…
I was worried this whole week that your exciting run in with Zelda would get in your blog over seeing me, and I guess I was right to worry... Next time we hang out, I'll be sure to make you watch me play Sonic the Hedgehog from 1996 so I have a shot at being mentioned, lol. I had a great time seeing you! I hope despite your blog you realize Joe and I were out with you and Andrew too and had a good time with us!
Erica said…
Sorry to Sue and Joe for the non-mention, I was way out if it when I posted and I was trying to cut down on the straight rundown of events so I accidentally cut people out. So yes I hung out with two of the most awesome people in the world, Joe Perry and Sue Osborne, and I love them both!!
Joseph said…
If that wasn't a rundown then why do I feel like I could tell you exactly what you and Andrew did the entire time you were home.....?
Erica said…
Anyone else want to yell at me for talking about my boyfriend too much in my blog? Go ahead, it seems to be the thing to do these days.

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