Bush fucking sucks.

I know this is just my opinion and blah blah but c'mon America, I thought you knew better than this. He's a freaking idiot who can't separate church and state, and apparently now this war is gonna go on forever. Whatever. I hate politics anyway.

So last night I had just rented "The Godfather Part II" with Andrew (I am forcing him to watch these films, and Goodfellas will come at a later date) Hey I love the Italian mafia movies and he's never seen them. I told him he could make me watch Scarface but I don't think he got the reference. That was such a tangent, but anyway so we were gonna watch this movie but Adam kept watching the election stuff so we had to wait, and in the mean time I thought I'd talk to Joe a little online.

Well talking to Joe online turned into harrassing an ex and getting harrassed back, then getting an IM from a drunken Tim again (aforementioned in this blog at some previous date). The ex thing...well I'll explain. I've mentioned Nate before in this blog I'm sure, but it's been a looong time since I've talked to him or anything. Right after I broke up with him (for the 2nd time, about 3 years ago) he started seeing this other girl that I actually used to know from my schoolbus when we were younger. He also, for some reason, refuses to talk to me. I'm not a horrible person, but I have broken a few hearts I have to admit. If someone isn't right for me, what's the point, you know? Anyway so the only words I've gotten out of this kid for the past 3 years are things like "I hate you" or "you're a stupid lesbian" (for some reason he is convinced I'm a lesbian) or other things like that. After 3 years you would hope he is over this childishness, but alas, last night I IMed him (he finally unblocked me after about 2 years) and asked if he was engaged, since my mom saw a ring on his gf's finger yesterday at Eckerd. He IMs me back: "married bitch" and blocks me again.

Okay first of all, if he is engaged OR married that is the strangest thing ever, he just turned 21 and is in college. Second of all, if he is STILL saying stupid shit like that to me and blocking me, do we really think he is mature enough to get married? So after this happens I get an IM from Tim (the old crush of mine that I never talked to when I had the crush on him but finally told him 3 years later) saying to update my blog and include more about him, which is funny because even though I know waaaaay more about him now than I ever thought I would know, I really would have nothing to say about him in here. So the point of this story is....I am currently placating his need for attention in my blog.

In other news, Halloween has passed for another year. This year I was a pirate wench, and a damn good one. Joe and Sue came up, which was amazing, especially since neither of them had met Andrew. I was worried about Joe meeting him, since Joe tends to be a big possessive and pessmimistic about my relationships, but even though they barely talked, they got along better than Joe has with any other of my boyfriends. So back to the costumes: Joe was nothing (of course), Sue was a redneck (or a lesbian, depending on how you look at it) Andrew was just kinda gothed out (and damn hot) Angela was Daphne from Scooby Doo, Angel was a saloon girl, her friend was Madonna, and Catharine and Josh were just old fashioned umm ghostly people? I don't know.

After a ghost walk that didn't happen (long story) I picked up Andrew, we all finished getting ready, and we went to East and Alexander. We ended up at The Jungle and Whiskey's. I got drunk and I got Andrew drunk, everyone else was having a good time too. Joe was even dancing!!! I was really happy that everyone was getting along and whatnot. We all got tired around the same time and went back to our respective houses. Joe and Sue hung out at my apt for a little while before they left and they got to know Andrew a little bit more.

Joe also decided to tell me that he definitely wants to move to Boston. Not LA, Boston. We were planning on moving to LA together for a long time, but we hadn't made any definite plans and I knew he was getting cold feet about it. The thing is, I'm happy about his decision. Well I'm happy that Joe could possibly be happy soon, and I'm also happy for myself. Andrew is in NY for another hmm like year and a half. Me being in NY = more time with him = a very good thing. I need to wrap this up so I'm not hugely late for work but I'll just say as of this moment, I love life.


Anonymous said…
you remind me of a monkey

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