This is my Peter - uh, my *friend* Peter. We just met at the, uh, intersexual... homosection... INTERSECTION!

Sorry about the title, I didn't have anything to say and "In & Out" is on tv. And as we all know how much I appreciate the gay culture, I am watching it.

So I have been reminded that I need to update this. First a quick explanation of the things mentioned in the previous post:

I had to go to the "doctor" because apparently they thought I had HPV which 80% of sexually active women get, it is HIGHLY contagious. I'm like...okay I definitely don't sleep around but whatever I could have gotten it. So I went in there and first of all the lady has this video camera thing and of course I can see into my entire vagina. Yeaaah gross I know. So I can't stop staring at the video monitor, even though it's disgustiong, and she's going "ummm well this is odd....I haven't really seen many of these before...." Which of course is always wonderful. So she finally figures out that I had a calcified cyst on my cervix which is pretty rare but utterly benign (HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer) and I leave the clinic practically skipping with joy and free of an abnormality. Moral of the story: even fake STDs are still highly annoying and need care so go see your gyno regularly!

Also: My grandmother's birthday was sunday. She's like....83 or something crazy like that. She is still in awesome health, well except for her swollen shut eye from cataract surgery. I brought Andrew down and he got to meet my aunt and uncle and cousin Adam. He had already met everyone else. My mom cooked lasagna and we had pie and cake for dessert, it was a fun time. I really miss the dinners we used to have when my grandpa was still alive, but there's really nothing I can do about that. I do, however, wish that Andrew got to meet my grandpa because they are very similar. He'd probably be the first boyfriend that my grandpa would completely approve of.

In other random news....I went to Geneseo today to visit Pat and Lori and I also got to see Devin and Marissa again. I met the new costume designer, and he's the first one that actually seems nice. Dr. Stanley wasn't around though, which kinda made me sad. She was the best professor EVER and of course she's not there that day. I left a note in her box saying I better not miss her the next time I come to visit. Pat of course gave me a trinket, but no candy this time, Lori was the same as always, I didn't get to talk to Marissa too much, and Devin told me all about the upcoming MTC show. It was a good time.

I went out to my car after visiting with them and a stupid campus cop was writing me a ticket. I put on my best fake smile and earnest-ness and said "oh I knew this was gonna happen." He looks at me, smiles, and says "Well let me tell ya what, I can push this here button and cancel this ticket right now." I say "oh wow! Why, because of the nice weather?" And he says "Sure....just don't ever say nobody ever let you off of a ticket" Score. A student passerby looks at me and he says "yeah good job, I've gotten about 4 of those this year." Ah, being a young attractive girl DOES have its advantages.

So I got out of a ticket, yet got caught by a salesman later today at the mall. I hate those god damn salesmen, those smooth talkers with the spanish accents who make you think their products are the best ever, I really do NOT need to be accosted by my own personal QVC. That being said.....I spent 80 dollars on beauty products today. Fucking A. I guess I should have just gotten the ticket then maybe I would have been too disheartened to go to the mall in the first place. Grrr.


Anonymous said…
I want to see my vagina

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