Back from the land of politics

The trip to see Angie in D.C. went well....and I should post about it but I feel as if it should have its own posting and I really want to talk about random other things right now so I'll save it for later.

#1 I went to a funeral today. It was for Charles' dad, whom I only met twice, but I really went to support Charles. I hadn't been to a funeral since my grandpa's, and I have a newfound respect for them now that I've been so close to someone who's died. Everyone held up pretty well until the graveside service at the cemetary, when Charles' mom broke down and then all her children followed suit. Just seeing one of my friends so sad made me (and Joe Petro and Pat Kiley and Brian) start crying too and it was a big mess. Charles is holding up crazily well though, after the service he was joking around with us like always. Stupid death, always gets in the way of life.

#2 I was walking out of work tonight at about 9, and I got to the end of the street where there's a busy intersection and waited patiently (with my key clenched in my fist just in case some ghetto person messed with me) for the light to change so I could cross the street. It did, and all of a sudden millions of cars are making right turns in front of me, not letting me cross. Bastards. It's night time, I'm an innocent (well...that's debatable) girl wearing a skirt and all I'm trying to do is cross a damn street. Anyway.... some nice guy in a red car FINALLY waved to me to cross, thus ending this ridiculous story.

#3 Angela is wearing white socks and making fun of this blog. Okay I'm just putting that in because she told me to, but I need a third point and it works I guess. Oh random thing to say in here....I saved the first conversation that I ever had online with Andrew and I decided to print it out (along with other things I've been printing because my computer is going to hell) but anyway it was 30 pages long! Imagine how long of a conversation that is, jesus.

Okay Ben and Brenden are here and rearranging our entire livingroom so maybe I should go either help or yell at them for putting my shit in random places.


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