my computer is dying a terrible death

My computer is on its last legs, I know it. It keeps making really horrible noises, like screeching noises and whatnot. They say it's just the fan, but deep down, I know it's dying. I hope I'm not right, however, because I love my little IBM baby.

In other news, this weekend was quite exhausting. I'll start with thursday, because that day turned out to be interesting. So I've been talking to this guy online that I met on myspace. Now before all of you laugh hysterically at me, I swear to god I am not using myspace as a dating service, I just like meeting people and talking to them. Well I started talking to him because I thought he seemed like a pretty cool guy, and apparently he thinks I'm pretty cool too so we went to Starbucks thursday and talked. I had a really good time, I love just being able to talk to someone, and we ended up talking for like an hour and a half (probably could have been longer but I was late for work). I never do stuff like that so it was very exciting for me.

So after that, and going to work, I came back and went swimming with Angela. I still had the caffeine in my system from earlier, so I was actually able to swim the whole mile this time (33 laps across and back or 66 just across). I've been swimming every week since June and I've noticed that my body has a pattern while it's swimming. At the beginning I swim about 2 laps, get tired, and rest a few minutes. After the 10th lap, it's just kinda automatic. I cease my tiredness and just swim. It's kinda beautiful, the way you just become one with the water. I know everyone thinks I'm a nutcase but I can't describe it, it's great.

Friday I went to a fire and safety training session at my work. It was fun because we got to simulate a real fire and I was like "I'll be the victim!" so I got to act a little, which I always enjoy. We actually pulled the fire alarm too and had the whole hospital thinking there was a fire. Of course if there really was a fire down in the depths of hell (or the basement) where my lab is, we'd probably all die because nobody ever knows we're down there.

Friday night before heading in to work at 2 am (yuck) I sat around talking to Adam and Angela, and then Ben came over and hung out for awhile. I drove them all to some bar on Monroe Ave and then headed in to work. I thought work would be really annoying because of the protocal of the specific study we're doing, but it really wasn't too bad. We did an MSLT, CDR, then fixed electrodes, biocals, KSS, then MSLT again. (I'll give you a star if you have any clue what I'm talking about--and Catharine and Barb, you don't count) The subject was very talkative and willing to get poked and prodded, all very good things. I went home the next morning, ate a breakfast sandwich, talked to Maura, then was gonna hop in bed when I realized Ben was sleeping in it. He kicks himself out with what looks like a hangover, and I go to sleep for about 4 hours before going to Geneva.

So saturday after waking up I arrive in Geneva to go to the thousanth mass for my grandfather. After church my grandma takes us to "Emile's" for dinner, and my brother actually hangs out with the family for once in his gypsy life. After dinner I meet up with Joe and Charles and we hit the streets. Nobody is really out, but I get to wish Slice Kent a happy birthday and see my cousin Carmen. Joe got really drunk, neither Charles or I were though. I had fun even though I didn't really drink, and Joe was in a good mood so that was definitely a good thing.

Sunday night I decide to spend in Geneva again. My mom has grandparents over for a family barbeque, then I go hang out with Joe again. We wanted to go to a movie sooo bad (I wanted to see Garden State again or Napolean Dynamite) but we ended up going to see Hero. I won't go into the details again because my previous post says it all, but I will say that if anyone has the films Happy Together or In the Mood for Love I will be your best friend. I guess if I went back up to Rochester I could have also had fun with either Andrew or the people that were having a party at my house at that time, but it was fun being in Geneva with Joe so it's all good.

Awesome, my computer is loud and obnoxious again. Grrrrr. I better not post anything else in case my incessant typing is making my computer angry at me. Arrivederci all.


Anonymous said…
Yes~!!! I count!!! But I don't know all those stuff...I will find out soon enough.

-the Donger
Erica said…
THE DONGER IS AWESOME....but I wish you'd come back to work sometime

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