God Hugh Jackman is hot

This post is not about Hugh Jackman at all but they just showed a scene from "Erskinville Kings" on Inside the Actor's Studio and mmm I want to see that film.   Ooooooh now they're talking about X-Men.  Okay enough....

Soooo let's see what interesting things have happened to me lately....first I'll go with Sara's going away party last saturday.  So I was by myself all day and decided to go to the mall.  I needed shoes and a present for my brother, so those were my objectives.  I saw my cousin Maria and her baby on my adventures, and also Art Nigro and Mike Penta.  I found shoes for really cheap, a cute shirt, a book and a pretty cool present for Keith.  So it was a success.

I got back and had about an hour to get ready for the party.  I was already wearing a little white sundress so I didn't have much to do.  Right when I was about to leave, Doug called and asked if I needed a ride, so I tagged along with him and Cindy.  Apparently I looked pretty good in my little white dress because Doug paid me a nice compliment when I got in the car. Awwww Hugh's mom is in the audience, that's so cute.  Okay FOCUS:  So I went into Circuit City with Doug to get something for Sara and of course saw that random guy that works there that I ALWAYS end up talking to.  Apparently Doug was giving me signs that I should "go for it" with him which I dont' know what that really means because I don't even know the guy's name and dont find him particularly attractive, but I didn't understand Doug's signals regardless. 

So after our intern "The Donger" (His name is Dong, I nicknamed him and it stuck....poor guy) randomly called me worried because he was the first one at the party we finally get there and mingle.  The party was at my boss Michael's house, which is a pretty nice house but very sparse.  He ordered in Indian food, which I had never eaten, but was pretty good.  We drank some, mingled more, then played Taboo.  I was on Michael's team and apparently I did pretty well because he was impressed, and he is usually not impressed with anyone but himself.  So after he kicked us out I hung out at Cindy's place with her, Doug, Sara and her boyfriend, and Leisha.  I was pretty tired but didn't have a car so Doug offered to take me home even though he was really tired (thanks Doug.....sorry) and I just passed out in my bed. 

So Sunday I decided that I was really bored and I decided that Angela was really bored too, so we went to Ben's house to hang out with him and his friends.  His friends wanted to eat over near my place, so we all came back to the Park Ave area.  We ate at Cobb's Hill, went to our apt to look at a painting Ben did for our livingroom (which is awesome by the way) then went to his friend Lynn's apt and hung out for awhile watching tv. 

Then Ben, Angela, and I walked back to our place and hung out for the rest of the night.  Ben and I got in a silly mood, aided by mind altering elements, and ended up not really paying attention to anybody that was talking to us or what was going on around us.  It was pretty funny because Angela hid personal items of mine and I didn't really notice, Adam took a picture of my leg and I had no idea, etc.  Of course after that Angela got kinda pissed and wouldn't really talk to me the next day (me getting attention from guys = her basically hating me).

The next day I gave some guy 30 dollars because he came to my door saying that mercury is bad for our water, I talked to people online, then did nothing til 12:30 when I decided to drive out to Webster to participate in setting off fireworks on a golf course.  It was pretty fun and I got to hang out with Ben afterwards so I'm glad I went out there.

Yesterday Angela, Adam, and I all had the day off, so along with Joe, we went to Darien Lake for some rollercoaster action.  We got to do a lot of rides and play games, and I won a cute stuffed snake because the guy guessed that I weigh 116 pounds when I weigh 10 pounds more than that.  Angela won a snake too.  We got soaked on some water rides, which were fun except the awkwardness of all of us trying to fit inside one log ride flume.  Adam was behind me and when we went down the hill he said "OH ERICA" really loud and that didn't make it any better.  My shorts were all wet after that and every time I walked they cut into my thigh, so that I was walking like a sumo wrestler by the time I got home.  They're a little better by today. 

Today was my first MSLT run.  It went well, but it was pretty sad.  The subjects for this study have myotonic dystrophy which means basically that their muscles are wasting away.  One even got flown in from Pittsburgh because he wanted to participate so badly.  They are so dedicated and want to find a cure so badly that sometimes it breaks my heart.  One was telling me that he lost 60 pounds in 6 weeks.  That's crazy.  Hopefully we can help them, even though I doubt finding things out about their sleep patterns are gonna really help find a cure....but ya never know I guess.

Okay time for random depessing shit:

1)  My cousin apparently died from a stroke or heart attack in his bed and nobody found him til a week later when his sister found him....ewww

2)  My brother's best friend was a direct (like 20 feet away) witness of a decapitation and had to cover the body, again ewwww

Enough of that....

I watched the film "Singles" tonight.  Good movie, except it tries to exault the single life but really the message is that nobody should be single.  Which I agree with, I want a boyfriend as much as the next person, but I'm just making a point about the title.   Anyway Doug told me to see it so I did because Doug is a cool cat so thanks Doug. 

Okay now that Hugh is over and my stories are all over....time for bed.  



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