So sad

Such sad things lately....Pat called me last night, and it was nice to talk to him except that I almost started crying. Usually I block things with him and me out, but I can't really do that with him on the phone talking about our relationship. He just got a cell phone too so I have a feeling I'm gonna be hearing from him more.

Again, I almost started crying's a good thing I didn't, I think Cindy would have been a little freaked out that I'm crying over her boyfriend leaving. Anyway Doug is leaving, though not really leaving for awhile, but this was one of the last times I got to hang out with him. We had a good day today, him and I. I was freaking out over some stuff so we went for a walk. On this walk I found out some things I really had no idea about before. Too bad both him and I are constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time in life when it comes to each other. Oh well, it happens.

I'm going to Martha's Vineyard tomorrow. It's gonna be amazing, I know it. Too bad I have to drive all the way there myself, so I really should be getting to bed. More to come after the trip!


Joseph said…
Blocking things out doesn't make them go away. Perhaps it's better you face this head-on at times?
Sophia said…
hm, i sounds like there is more to your feelings for Doug than either of you were willing to admit. I know how that type of thing goes, but everything happens for a reason. Tomarrow you could meet prince charming and be glad you aren't attached.

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