Wow...I've missed writing in here, but not enough to actually do it. I'm feeling senioritis in a bad way this semester....aka I just want to watch movies, play games, and drink. I don't want to go to classes, or my internship, I just don't want to do anything productive. I hope this is normal for this time of year, because I really don't just want to be a slacker for the rest of my life.

I am skipping one of my classes tonight...but it's the first time this semester that I've skipped a class, so I think it's okay.

I don't even know what I'm supposed to be writing about, because it's been so long. Hmmm....well last weekend my housemates and my rugby guy friends actually got to hang out a few times. Usually I have all these different groups of friends and it sucks when they get put together b/c it's all awkward but they got along pretty well. Pat's friend Tex took to Sara pretty quickly, and I was afraid he'd just yell all night b/c of past experiences with him. It was a thursday I think....we all went to the pimps' house and drank with them. It was only like 10 people, but it was really fun. The only people hanging out from Pat's house were him and Nick and I kinda wished Davey and Pete were there too but that's okay. Oh yeah and I must have gotten pretty drunk there, because I was talking about Nick and I called him "Nate" and then didn't even notice that I did it. Everyone was like "oooooooh" and it was embarrassing, and now Nick probably thinks I have some secret crush on him or something.

The next night I didn't do anything at all because I was at the sleep lab practicing gakking til 1:00 AM, but saturday night was a free happy hour for seniors. Sara, Sarah, Angela, and I drank as much as we could til 10 when the free beer ended, then we made our way over to the pimps' again. They were having an actual party with the SDTs but they wanted us there and we all got to see them sing the "Father Abraham" song which I've seen a few times before, but Sara and Sarah hadn't had the pleasure of seeing. It's always funny to be fully clothed but have naked men singing all around you.

After partying at 9-4 we always go to the bars, and the same thing always happens. Someone starts playing "Money Money" on the jukebox, I get in some sort of contest with someone (I totally could have beat Davey at mercy AND A.C. at a staring contest), I wonder if Pat's gonna get too drunk, Angela DOES get too drunk, and we get kicked out of the bar.

This past weekend was kinda different. Thursday we had our first broomball game at 12:30, so no partying for me. The guys, on the other hand, decided that drinking would help their game.....and it did. We won 4-0 and played awesomely. Our next game is this thursday, and I bet it'll be the same situation.

Friday after sleeping for 2 hours and then going to see Cold Mountain (an okay movie, it's fun to watch it to pick out famous people in small roles) I went out with only Angela. I tried calling Pete's cell phone to see where the guys were, but I left a message and didn't say my name so he was just confused and called back saying "umm...whoever this is, I'm at the Vital so come down here or call back and tell me who the hell you are." At this time I didn't have my phone on me and was just walking around uptown with Angela. We passed many drunk people yelling things at us. Two of them happened to be Jessica Williams (who I ALWAYS see when I'm drunk) and Dave Felice, who told me to kiss his ass but still wanted to hug me.

We found the guys, hung out at Kelly's for a little while, and then went to the IB. I saw Emily there who was also wasted and kept saying I was her best friend. She was also wearing a shirt that was not much of a shirt. I hung out with her for awhile, talked to Matt Cooley, and then just went to get pizza with Angela and Pat. Well by this time Pat was not really too sober, so while we were waiting in line he decided to block the doorway. Some guys tried to get in to see their friend, but for some reason Pat didn't want to let them in and after they pushed their way through Pat called one of them a "shmuck". The guy ignored him and came back out a few minutes later, telling Pat "See dude I just wanted to go say hi to someone, it's all good" to which apparently Pat thought he had to call him a shmuck AGAIN and run outside and try to attempt to harrass him some more. I got a LITTLE mad at him and yelled at him just enough to let him know that he was acting like a total idiot. I told him to go home and he did, and me and Angela just went back to our house.

Saturday I watched one of my favorite movies, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and just hung out. Then even though I was still mad at Pat, we rented Adaptation and watched it. I liked it, and even more importantly I actually liked Nic Cage in it, who I usually hate. I thought he did an awesome job. I didn't think the ending fit the movie, but other than that it was cool.

Valentine's Day is coming up, I keep forgetting about it. Pat is making me dinner, but I told him to make it a surprise. I'm bringing the vino, and it should be a nice time. A lot of people I know are always all bitter about Valentine's Day but even when I wasn't with someone I never really had strong feelings either way. I always got candy from my parents, so what did I care? I suppose freshman year when me and Maura spent Valentine's in the courthouse for my speeding ticket was probably not the best day, but eh, what are ya gonna do.


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