Well it's 1:30 in the morning on a thursday night, but I thought I better post something now or else it'll never get done. Plus Joe and Pat are harrassing me about it so I should do it before they kill me.

Well my last posting was a bit dramatic, but I was in a dramatic mood. I'm over that somewhat, I've talked to Pat about some stuff, but I talked to one of his best friends, Tim Hanley, tonight and he was totally agreeing with me about the surprises = romance thing. I was like "YES" someone understands!! I'm all about the surprises thing so I think I'll talk to Pat about that sometime soon, unless I forget and he reads this, which usually happens.

Anyway going back to last week, wednesday night we had a broomball game, which we tied. Our record is now 2-0-1. Not too bad for a competetive league. My dad came to the game also, which was cool of him. I swear that guy would do anything I asked him to do.

So after saying goodbye to my dad, me, Sara, Emily, and Angela headed out to the bars. We met up with Pat at the Vital and he went with us to the Statesman where I saw this guy that I almost hooked up with sophomore year but haven't talked to since then. He called me once at 4 in the morning wanting me to eat pizza with him and I never called back, and that's how it was left. I'm not sure if he remembered me at all but I was trying to talk to him and he was being kind of mean, so he might have remembered. I was also trying to promote some kind of instant lottery game and put down another one to a random guy that was buying tickets...I don't know.

Well after the Statesman, Pat went home b/c he had to be up early, and we all went back uptown to get pizza at Mama Mias. Well we were like the only girls in there and first we saw some guys from canandaigua that were kind of assholish, THEN this Sean guy came in and saw me wiping my mouth with a napkin. Apparently that turned him on or something and all of a sudden he was sitting next to me and hugging me, telling me he had a 1 inch penis. He was with his twin brother who he told me had a 2 inch penis. This was getting ridiculous so I just messed around with him, saying "well I need at least a 10 inch one." He got all mad and sat somewhere else, complaining that nobody has a 10 inch penis. Then I started seductively calling him over to our table so I could eat his pizza. This didn't work and just resulted in him trying to kiss me. I was laughing so hard I couldn't talk to tell him I had a boyfriend so I just kissed him on the cheek and he goes "meet me at the Vital" and left. The girls were cracking up, everyone at Mama Mia's was looking at us, and the whole thing was pretty hilarious.

All day friday I had to work at the sleep lab. I was hooked up as a fake subject so they could certify the MSLT study which means they wake people up when they fall asleep. This is a really cruel thing to do I found out, when I was put to bed every 2 hours for 20 minutes each time and then woken back up again. I went around in a daze for most of the day and night, and was exhausted by the time I got back.

Nevertheless, Angela wanted to go out, and I kinda did too so just us 2 went to Kelly's. We found Pat, Tex, The Beamster, and Matt Dowd there, but nobody else. Pete was out of state and Davey was at another school. So I was talking to all of them, and listening to this Janelle girl that they know bitch about Tex. Apparently she hates him (like most girls that he pisses off) and wanted to let Pat know that she hated him. We were just like "okay whatever."

THEN the song Me and Bobby Magee came on. That's one of my favorite songs so I started dancing with Pat, and convinced a really drunken Tex to dance with Angela. Tex would yell "SWITCH" every few minutes and we'd have to switch partners. When I was dancing with Tex he put his hat on my head. I felt so honored when he did that, guys don't usually ever want their hats on anyone else's head, especially guys that get furious at the drop of a hat. So I had fun, and I know Angela did too, even though we just went home after that.

Saturday night was a formal. This formal was a "dress differently" theme, and Pat was convinced that it would be cool for him to wear a dress and me to wear a shirt and tie. Well when we got all ready, he looked like a girl with a testosterone overproduction problem and I looked like one of the girls from the Robert Palmer "Addicted to Love" video. Luckily Nick and his girlfriend Kate did the same thing, so I went around telling everyone that me and Kate were lesbians.

It was a fun night, even though none of the normal people were around. Pete was still out of state, Davey and Tim were at the Sigma Kappa formal, AC wasn't really around b/c he was at the RLK formal, and Beamster and Tex went home. Emily was there though with her best friend Heather and it was really fun talking to them and going to Kelly's with them. (even though Emily gave me a shot of something that basically knocked me on the ground) I was really really drunk by the time Kelly's came around, so I convinced Pat to get pizza then go home.

This week has been fun so far as well. Tuesday night at the last minute I went to rugby night uptown at the IB with Emily. There was basically nobody there, but all Pat's friends were there and the guy Emily has been talking to was there, so we hung out.

The night turned into "hook Davey and Jillian up" night, however, when the girl he went to the Kappa formal with showed up at the bar hoping to see him. She started talking to me, while Davey was on the other side of the room, and we talked about him for a little bit. Obviously I'm going to promote Pat's friends to people b/c why wouldn't I, so I just kept telling her how awesome of a person he is. I also told her I would sit at their table and see if he said anything about her. (sooo middle schoolish but sooo fun) So I was going back and forth with this thing. Luckily she's a really nice girl, otherwise I wouldn't have even been talking to her. She does have a boyfriend though, so it's a little tricky, plus Davey is like king of hiding feelings (at least in front of me) so I don't even know if he really likes this girl. So finally he talked to her a little bit, but I was drunk off like 2 beers so I really didn't know what was going on after awhile. Her and her friend ended up leaving, Davey left with someone else, and I left with Emily and Rob. I had an amazing time though and figured out that I should just live off other people's crushes for the rest of my life.

Tonight (I'm almost done, I know it's long) I went out only for a short time. As I already mentioned, I talked to Tim Hanley tonight. We talked for awhile, he's probably one of the easiest people to talk to that I've ever met in my life. I had a great time, but Angela was just standing around so I thought she was uncomfortable and I offered to go to Kelly's. There was nobody at Kelly's except AC with some girl, and Pat's old crush Sue. I talked to them for a tiny bit but then just decided to come back here.

So this is where I end, I'm going to Auburn tomorrow night and of course saturday night I'll be out on the town again. What else is there to do my last semester of college EVER? Exactly.

P.S.: If you're into old Film Noir type movies, rent "Laura", it's awesome.


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