What to start with...hmm....well I know the anti-valentine's day people won't want to read this, but I think I want to tell about my valentine's day this year. This is the first year EVER that I've had a boyfriend for valentine's, and it was the first year for Pat to have a girlfriend too. So we kinda weren't sure what to do for it, and we both didn't know what presents to get each other.

We ended up having a romantic dinner in my room. I cooked dinner and he brought the wine and bread. I brought some bean bag chairs and a short little table thingy in my room and set the whole thing up, restaurant style. We had salad first, and I made some stuffed peppers and a stromboli/calzone. That turned out to be really huge, but it tasted good. I was proud of being able to cook something semi-decent in a dorm, which has no supplies for me to work with.

After dinner we watched The Goodbye Girl, which was a pretty good pick for valentine's day, AND Pat suggested it, not me. We pretty much just stayed in my room all night, Sara was in Syracuse for the night anyway. I had an awesome time though, I can say that it was one of the best valentine's days I've ever had.

The next night Angie decided to come up b/c I won't be able to see her for about 4 weeks, so we wanted to hang out. It was kind of last minute and nobody else came up, but it was fun to just be with Angie too. She was gonna come early, but she had dinner a little late and made it here by about 9. Our goal was to get to a party that Pat's house was having at about 9:45, so we got ready here for a little bit and went there.

I knew there was gonna be a ton of girls there because it was technically a birthday party for Pat's housemate's girlfriend, Regina. She's on the field hockey team, so it was like a field hockey party with some random guys thrown in. Some of Pat's friends from Auburn came up that night too, and Angie is....pretty close...to one of them named Brian so it was interesting to see how they interacted with each other. Angie wanted to go to the bar, but Dave Knapp and this girl that writes for FHM magazine came back and wanted to play Euchre with us, so we ended up not getting to the bar at all. I actually went to bed upstairs at around 2 and Angie slept downstairs on the couch, so when Tim and Brian came home later I guess they were being really funny, but only Angie was around to witness it.

The next morning all the guys were kinda sitting around the livingroom, just chillin there, and me and Angie were there too. They were being really funny then too, and were watching that weird Cats and Dogs movie. Me and Angie couldn't stop laughing at them. I had some work to do and Ang had to get back at a decent time too so we just had breakfast at about 1 and then she left.

We had our first broomball game on tuesday night. Actually it wasn't a real game because the other team (GSTV) had only 3 players show up. We thought our team wasn't gonna show up either, b/c it was just me, Angela, and Tim for awhile. But after awhile Emily came and then Pat and Pete showed up a little tipsy. The other team asked if we just wanted to play for fun, since they already had to forfeit, so we played them and gave them Tim and Emily (which was NOT a good idea b/c they both are really good). The other team ended up "beating" us b/c Tim scored on Pat who was in goal.

It was a great warm up for the game we actually played last night though. We played "The IceCreamers" who were NOT any good. Of course we had more people playing this time then tuesday night. Besides our normal teammates, we acquired AC who is a very large guy, and Tex. Davey actually showed up this time, but Tim didn't. Oh yeah and all the guys had definitely been drinking. So we had me, Emily, Angela, Pat, Pete, Davey, AC, and Tex playing. I am currently sick, so I didn't want to play the whole game, but we have to have 2 girls on the ice at all times, so I sat out in the 2nd period and then went back in for Emily in the 3rd.

I didn't have much time to change helmets when I went in for Emily, and her helmet did NOT fit my head. I couldn't see a thing unless I looked straight up. So the whole time I was out there I was just pushing my helmet back onto my head. When I got the ball half the time my helmet would start slipping off, then my feet would slip too, and I would TOTALLY wipe out. Once my stick went flying in the air, and my helmet flew off my head. At the very end of the game I slid into the goalie too. My knees are completely purple and blue from bruises, but I love playing broomball so much, and our team played awesomely last night. Emily scored the first goal, and AC scored a few more.We beat them like 5 to 0. He was playing in his dress khakis and nice brown shoes too.

Me and Pat also made a bet that we each were gonna score first. If I score first, he has to buy me dinner, if he does, then I have to buy him dinner. He thinks guys are soooooo great at sports compared to girls....I'll show him!


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