Okay since I'm definitely not gonna have much time to write in here this week, and I'm extremely bored now, I'm going to write about my interesting night last night. (This might be long)

It started with me and Emily heading off to The Statesman at about 9:30. I dont' know if we would have gotten in (I've never tried to go there before) but this girl that we are both friends with (also named Emily) was already there and let us in the back door. We got in there and got beers, and there were all these sorority girls there. That normally would bother me but it didn't b/c they were being nice. Me and the 2 Emily's got to do karaoke with them and when I got up to sing it I didn't even know what we were singing. It ended up being "You can't hurry love" which is a song that I loooooove. This creepy 40 year old townie guy kept trying to talk to me too. He was being gross and saying things like "you can't gulp your beer, you have to sluuuurp it" and giggling. We were supposed to go to Becky's boyfriend's neighbor's house for a party so we left The Statesman pretty quickly.

We convinced the other Emily to go with us, and headed out. Pat's house is basically right next to The Statesman so we stopped there to see if maybe he was there, b/c I hadn't really talked to him and didn't know where he was gonna be. We opened the door and this party was going on. I didn't even know they were having a party that night. I talked to a couple of Pat's housemates for a little bit and then we left to go to Tom's.

Well we had to stop at ZBxi (pronounced zee bee zi, I don't know the letters for it) for Emily #2 even though I generally don't like those guys but we only stopped in for a few minutes. I was walking back downstairs and someone said something about drunk girls so I was like "drunk girls?" and I got down the stairs and there were all these girls that weren't there before. They all burst out laughing when they saw me and were like "we ARE drunk" but I had no idea what they were talking about, I was just repeating what someone else said.

So after that we really did go to Tom's party. We got there and the first person I saw was this guy that I used to have a small crush on, he was taking the money. I actually got to talk to him for the first time in my life (this has happened to me 3 times this year) and I guess he's nice, but he's definitely no Pat. We kinda wandered around, and Emily #1's friends Jeff and Murphy came down from RIT. They're both reaaally nice and they play rugby so I was talking to them about that for a little bit. Me and Emily played beer pong and sucked, then we all left and went BACK to Pat's house (there were all guys at Tom's and Emily's friends were getting really bored).

So we got back to Pat's and there were even more people there. Pat was actually there too this time and he was pretty drunk. I was very drunk too by that time. We hung out there for a little bit, then the Emilys and Jeff and Murphy wanted to go to the bar. I didn't know if my ID would get me in, but I wanted to go anyway. So I get to the door, and this guy was working it that was in my spanish class. He's this big guy that I didn't really know but I just remember everyone's name I ever have class with. So I got to the door and I was like "Heeeeey you're Brian, right? You were in my spanish class. Brea, 102, remember?" and he had this look on his face that was just like, "this girl does NOT know me she just wants to get into the bar". But he DID grudgingly (is that a word?) let me in.

So after I was in there I got a beer (and got hit on by another weird guy, telling me that the only reason I was getting served was b/c I'm hot) and started dancing. Pat was gonna go later so I was kinda just waiting for him to show up. I luckily caught him as he was heading to the back of the bar, even though he said he'd been there for like 40 minutes already. I was soooo entirely trashed that I ended up dancing, a lot....which if you know me at all you know I do NOT do under any normal circumstances. We didn't stay very long and I ended up hugging my Astronomy TI totally randomly and then left with Pat. (the Emilys were still there with Jeff and Murphy.)

We came back here and crashed, after I accidentally told all my friends that I was naked (whoops). So I didn't do anything tonight b/c I was hungover like alll day and really tired. Pat just got here now so I think I better entertain him, plus I'm out of stories.


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