Where are we here.....hmmm.......

Let's start with Patrick's birthday. I didn't exactly see him on his b-day but I had a fun time picking up Angie at the airport that day. Well I did technically see him b/c he came over on Jan 7th to just hang out and stayed til midnight so I could wish him a happy 21st. But anyway wednesday I was kinda nervous to drive to the airport by myself b/c I never have and I thought the weather might be bad. But everything went perfectly...I got to the airport a little early and her plane got in a little early. Then we drove to pick up her car at Naz and had a fun time cleaning a month's worth of snow off of it with brooms and brushes. She wanted to take me out to lunch for picking her up (isn't she awesome?) and she picked a cute little place which I forget the name of at the moment. Then we just drove back to Geneva and visited Joe and Sue. (Sue had her wisdom teeth removed that morning and was in need of supportive visitors). We just watched The Bachelorette at Sue's house (Go Charlie!) and that's about it.

The next day me and Angie just kinda hung out at my house and then went to the outlet mall. I bought a really cute skirt that I can actually wear in the winter, which is something I've been wanting for awhile. It was regularly 29.99 but I got it for 7 bucks. Angie bought some cool jeans too. We went to Sue's that night too and hung out with her, Steph, and Stacey. Sue had rented Sorority Boys which I was totally against seeing until I actually saw it and I thought it was actually pretty damn funny. Of course some parts were a little strange...with random lesbian action and dildo duels... but it was still good.

Friday was errand day apparently. Angie and I got up early and went to Joe's house to watch some Personal TLC and then went to Sue's to pick her up. I then got a haircut to try to even out the half mullet look I had going on which for the most part worked. She also straightened the hell out of my hair but it looked awesome. (which is cool b/c I was going to a party that night) Then we went to wegmans, lunch, and Zotos to get discounted haircare products. Finally we were done and went to our respective houses to get ready for Pat's birthday party in Geneseo that night. We went back to Sue's to eat dinner and then were off. (Angie, Sue, and I)

This is when it gets kinda bad....the whole day the weather was fine. However, once we got into canadaigua it started getting a little scary. The wind was blowing about 100 miles an hour, blowing the snow all around us so we couldn't see a thing. At one point Sue almost started hyperventilating b/c we literally could not see 10 feet in front of us and we didnt' know where the road was at all. So we agreed that we couldn't turn around b/c we'd just hit the same stuff on the way back, and we braved the winds. It got SLIGHTLY better after that but still not great. We were so happy when we pulled into Pat's driveway.

So we went into the house and tried to tell the guys how horrible it was outside, but nobody was caring or listening and Pat was already out of it. The night from then on was fun for some people....less fun for others. I think Sue didn't have a good time the entire night, which sucks but I couldn't do anything about it so I was trying to enjoy myself anyway. A lot of Pat's friends showed up and I love talking to them so I had a great time. And I played beer pong with Pat against Sue and Pat's friend Daut and I single handedly kicked their asses. I made all the shots and Pat made none, and we still won. Shortly after that Pat passed out in his bed and Seamus passed out on his floor so I was talking to Sue, Angie, and the rest of the boys. I got to know some of them a little better so I guess that's one good thing about my boyfriend being unconscious for the night. They also persuaded me to go to the bar, which I did not want to go to since Pat wasn't gonna be there and we would have to walk in the bitter cold to get there. But finally I went and I really didn't have a very good time since I was just wishing Pat was around. There was also some drama that night that I was in the middle of and that didn't help anything but I am NOT getting into it here. So we didnt' stay at the bar very long b/c JT didn't get in (it doesn't help that he looks about 18) and we didn't want to hang out without him. So we all went back and I just went upstairs to pass out next to Pat on the bed while Seamus and Sue passed out on the floor. Except that Seamus was awake by the time we got back there and was having random conversations with us that were hilarious ("If you were a catterpillar you'd know") so we stayed awake for awhile. Sue woke up at like 9 the next morning and got me and Angie up to leave early while the weather was still good. So I basically got to spend no time with Pat at his own party but it's okay, it's not like I never see him.

Saturday I went with Angie, Sue, Steph, and Stacey out to dinner at Ciccino's then later we went to the bars for one last rondevouz (sp?) with Sue and Angie before they left. It ended up being an okay night, I think it would have been better if more people we knew were out, b/c that's why Angie wanted to go out. But we did go to a different bar, The Holiday, and that was a new and exciting experience. (Even thought we spent most of the time talking to Tyler and John) but there were a lot of cool looking Hobart people around and there was a dance floor with a disco ball. Angie was being funny...she was really drunk and she went up to these Hobart guys and just started talking to them. She says that they started talking to her b/c they found us both hot but I could have swore I saw her talking to them first. Well their names were Peter and Wally....yeah I talked to Steph instead of them. One tried to drag Angie onto the dance floor but she very obviously did not want to dance with him so they stopped talking to us.

Since me and Angie and Steph were the only ones that wanted to go to The Holiday, Sue and Joe were a little pissed at us when we left them to go there. But I didn't want to stay at Side Show, the bar we were at, b/c it was really smokey and crowded with people I didn't recognize, and I like new things. So at the end of the night most of the people were in fights with each other and it wasn't that cool. I still haven't talked to Sue since she left for school, but she basically told me not to call her, so I didn't.

Sunday I went to Pat's house and we had dinner and just hung out there watching Simpsons and Alias. It was our 6 month anniversary, which Pat had forgotten and I knew he would, so I just didn't mention it. I figured I wasn't gonna be a bitch about remembering, and he would eventually. (which he did yesterday) It doesn't matter to me if we actually actively celebrate them or not, so it was okay.

So to wrap this long ass thing up.....Joe's the only one still home, so I hung out with him all yesterday. We had a flashback night where we watched Mac And Me and Pippi Longstocking. I had never seen Mac And Me so it was like "eh" for me to watch it, but I did watch Pippi when I was little and I was excited about that. Now I've had the theme song in my head for all of today and it wont' come out. It's weird that most people are at school again and I still have almost 2 weeks left here. I'm gonna do a looooot of cleaning.


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