Happy New Year! Actually happy january 2nd...or 3rd if you want to get technical.

For New Year's Eve I went to Auburn this year. Last year I went to Chad's cottage in canadaigua and that was an all night crazy fiasco. I was happy that this year I actually had someone to kiss at midnight. I've never had a boyfriend in the winter before (it's kinda odd really) so this Christmas and New Year not being single is really different for me. I like it.

So anyway, I went to Pat's house first. Then we picked up Seamus (his best friend) and went to his girlfriend Cassie's house so they all could do a little pregaming before I took them to the party. (I didn't want to drink then anyway, I would never make it to midnight) So we hung out there for a little while and then went to J.T.'s house. It was a good sized party, and mostly all Pat's friends were there. I actually drank wine for most of the night instead of beer for a change. It was this great wine that one of Pat's friends gave him for xmas. It also had 35% alcohol which was cool too. Some highlights of the party: J.T. has a turtle who is the cutest little thing but I forgot its name (J.T. wanted me to put him and his turtle in here) Oh and a stud named TIM HANLEY was also at the party (Tim wanted a shout out too). I also found the one hat that looks semi decent on me, even though it had to be on backwards. And J.T.'s mom came home after one sometime and started drunkenly dancing with guys. After the party I am sick of Justin Timberlake since someone decided to play him over and over again...and I have one last thing to say: "take it."

I kind of stopped drinking after midnight for some reason, I guess I just didn't feel like drinking any more, so by 2 I was feeling pretty sober. I persuaded Pat to let me drive back to his house (I really was FINE to drive) and we tried to watch a little of a movie but I was getting really tired (it was like 3:30 by this time) so I went to bed. The next day me and him both slept til a little after one in the afternoon (well I woke Pat up but I'm sure he would have slept longer) and his mom made us breakfast. Then we both went back to Geneva to have dinner at my grandparent's house. It was a crazy Italian dinner like always and Pat thinks my family is nuts but I know he loves it so I'm not worried. He had to drive back home in really crappy weather which sucked though, but luckily he made it home fine.

Last night I just kinda laid low, it was bad outside and I was tired, as were most of my other friends that I did not have the good fortune of hanging out with on New Years. I heard they stayed overnight in a hotel....interesting stuff. Anyway tonight we decided to all go out in similarly crappy weather (but less icy) to see "2 weeks notice".

This was another romantic comedy movie. They keep pumping them out every year at the theaters, and I'd say about one in five gets the formula just right. This was one of them. I loved this movie. I want to go watch it again right now. The combination of Hugh Grant, who is hilarious AND....pretty sexy....and Sandra Bullock, who is my favorite actress anyway, just makes it awesome. The story was very well written, and it was romantic without going over the top. Also, their chemistry was amazing. I can totally see them together. The only thing I might be a little biased on is the fact that my idea of romance might differ from someone else's. I don't know why, but it's been like this for as long as I can remember, but I think the most romantic thing that can happen is when two people are just around each other, they're friends or whatever, and they can talk, laugh, flirt together but it takes them awhile to really fall in love. I've already said I hate the instant romance thing in the Buying The Cow blog, so this must just be the opposite end of that. I don't know if that makes sense but it's almost 3 in the morning and I"m getting a little tired. So just..umm...watch 2 weeks notice...unless you're my boyfriend b/c he doesn't watch ANY romantic movies....and have a good new year. Goodnight.


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